
  • 网络Claims and debts
  1. 公司注销后遗漏债权债务处置相关问题研究

    On the Disposal of Missing Claims and Debts After Cancellation of Company

  2. 债权债务的处置协议应报送审批机关。

    The agreement on disposition of the claims and debts shall be submitted to the approval organ .

  3. 概念解释:债权债务的条件?

    Notional explanation : the condition of creditor 's rights debt ?

  4. 论税收政策对企业债权债务的影响

    On the Influence of Tax Policy on the Debt Chain among Enterprises

  5. 担保合同是主债权债务合同的从合同。

    A security contract shall be a subordinate one to the principal contract .

  6. 出资人出具的债权债务清理文件;

    Investor debt obligations issued by the clean-up document ;

  7. 国有银行和企业间不良债权债务关系的处置

    On the Unhealthy Creditor 's Rights and Debts between State Own Banks and Enterprises

  8. 清偿是合同终止、债权债务关系消灭的法定原因。

    Discharge has the legal effect of terminating contract and debtor - creditor relationship .

  9. 被接管的商业银行的债权债务关系不因接管而变化。

    The right and liabilities of the taken-over bank will not change because of the take-over .

  10. 论中国当前税收观念&税收债权债务观念的确立

    On Current Tax Idea of China & Establishment of Idea on Credit and Debt of Tax

  11. 重大债权债务;

    Major claims and debts ;

  12. 在让与过程中,封闭的债权债务关系被打开,债权债务关系也比之前更为复杂。

    In transfer process , closed creditor-debtor relationship is opened , creditor-debtor relationship is more complex than before .

  13. 法务会计的内容主要包括:企业税务会计、债权债务理算会计、保险赔偿理算会计、司法会计、社会福利保障会计、物价会计、海损理算会计等。

    It mainly includes tax accounting , debt cleaning accounting , insurance paying accounting , price accounting etc. .

  14. 从理论上说,公司被吊销营业执照应当依法进行清算,解决公司的债权债务问题。

    In theory , corporation should be cleared to solve the creditor 's rights and debts when they are revoked .

  15. 其债权债务由主管部门或者清算组织负责清理。

    The department in charge or a liquidation organization shall be responsible for settling its creditor 's rights and liabilities .

  16. 债务重组的内容通常应包括两方面:一方面,对现有债权债务进行调整;另一方面,对经营结构的调整。

    The contents of debt restructuring are : adjustment of the current credit and debt and adjustment of management structure .

  17. 这样,原来的银企债权债务关系就变为金融资产管理公司对企业的持股关系。

    Thus the debtor-creditor relationship between enterprises and banks changes into the operator-shareholder relationship by financial management companies with enterprises .

  18. 其资金借贷关系仅仅是一种虚拟的债权债务关系,缺乏有效的法律规范和约束。

    So the lending of capital between them is only a virtual relationship , and lack of norms and constraints .

  19. 是依法定程序清理公司债权债务、处理公司剩余财产并最终终止公司法律人格的法律行为。

    The company liquidation is an important process in cleaning up a disbanded companys credit , debt and residual properties .

  20. 原企业的债权债务原则上全部由改制后企业承继。

    The credit and debt of the original enterprise will be completely assumed by the enterprise after restructure in principle .

  21. 计划财务部确认职工对公司的经济债权债务已经清偿完毕。

    The planning and financial affairs department confirms that Party B 's credit right and liability has been settled completely .

  22. 但是在改制企业中针对债权债务存在各种不良处置现象。

    However , in restructuring the enterprise for the disposal of claims and debts of the existence of various undesirable phenomena .

  23. 本合同期满时,合同项下的任何未了的债权债务不受合同期满的影响。

    The outstanding credit and debt between the parties under Contract shall not be affected upon the termination or expiration of Contract .

  24. 教育合同当事人可以转让自己的债权债务,但教育机构转让债务时须受法律限制。

    The party can often transfer his own obligation , but the education organization should obey the law restrict when transferring obligation .

  25. 主债权债务合同无效,担保合同无效,但法律另有规定的除外。

    Unless it is otherwise prescribed by any law , the security contract shall be invalid when the principal contract is nullified .

  26. 执行和解并未形成新的债权债务关系,而是对原权利义务关系的延续。

    The execution reconciliation forms dose not produce the new creditor 's rights debt relations , but is the original duty 's continuing .

  27. 和解的标的是课税事实和证据之采认,而与税收实体债权债务无涉。

    Tax reconciliation is the subject of acknowledgment of the facts and evidence , and credit and debt and tax entities not involved .

  28. 第四,货币用来表现商品的未来价值,或明确债权债务关系,执行支付手段职能。

    Fourth , money as a standard of deferred payments performs the function of establishing a future value or obligation in definitive terms .

  29. 专利代理机构的审批权限债权债务的处置协议应报送审批机关。

    Establishment procedure of the patent agencies The agreement on disposition of the claims and debts shall be submitted to the approval organ .

  30. 凯恩斯提议,对那些债权债务长期居高不下的国家实施逐步升级的惩罚措施:终极举措是没收贷方账户余额。

    Keynes proposed an escalating set of penalties for running persistent credit and debit balances : ultimately , credit balances would be forfeited .