- 名Debtor country;debtor nation

A creditor nation could get away with an outspoken policy of creating inflation & but not a debtor nation .
In short , orderly restructurings – as happened in Pakistan and Ukraine in 1999 and Uruguay in 2002 – are better for most private creditors , the debtor nation and multilateral institutions than an Argentine-style botched bail-out .
We cannot let debtor nations manage the global financial system , he said . The IMF is more like a debtor monetary organisation .
The Fund could then take over the work of the ECB , whose courageous buying of indebted countries ' bonds requires adequate fiscal policies .
They will also have to create a fiscal framework that allows for cross border transfers , resolves conflicts between creditors and debtors and supports the Bostonian principle of " no taxation without representation " .
The consequence has been emergency financing programmes , which have largely followed the rigorous standards of the International Monetary Fund in the conditions they have imposed on debtor countries .
As John Maynard Keynes explained , unless debtor countries can export more , they must pay either by borrowing or by selling off domestic assets .
In 1944 John Maynard Keynes argued forcefully that the planned new exchange rate regime required symmetrical obligations on creditor and debtor countries to deal with any imbalances .
As Treasury Secretary of a debtor nation , Hank Paulson was determined to keep the faith with foreign investors , honouring the assumptions on which they invested .
In effect , sovereign debtors are undergoing the equivalent of an International Monetary Fund programme without the devaluation that is necessary to shift resources into exports to generate growth in the context of deflated domestic demand .
Indian officials have warned that the G20 is split between debtor countries , such as the US and the UK , and creditor nations , led by China with its large foreign exchange reserves .
A permanent G20 structure , representative of the major debtor and creditor countries and the most strategically powerful ones , will sound the death knell of the Group of Seven leading industrialised nations .
Pre-OMT , speculators and short sellers enjoyed a near one-way bet : driving up bond yields in debtor countries on the notion that the euro would break up .
It is the first time in the 15-month credit crunch that multilateral agencies such as the International Monetary Fund have agreed to help bail out European countries a clear sign of the acute difficulties debtor nations face raising finance from credit-starved markets .
Bild Zeitung , the German tabloid that once was so enamoured with Mr Draghi that it presented him with a Prussian spiked helmet , now thunders that the ECB has written " a blank cheque " to debtor countries .
The United states : the biggest capital importing and debtor nation
In punishing profligate borrowers , they also damage their own citizens .
They believe they are entitled to lecture debtors on their follies .
The US , however , is a debtor .
We forget the mutual nature of the creditor-debtor relationship at our peril .
Second , creditors need to take a hit , and debtors adjust .
We are witnessing a battle between the interests of international creditors and debtors .
Government insolvencies would now also threaten the solvency of debtor country central banks .
The economic costs of a breakup would be staggering for creditor and debtor nations .
Similar funds have won an estimated $ 1bn from debtor nations in recent years .
First , this backdoor way of financing debtor countries cannot continue for very long .
The economic consequences of a break-up would be staggering both for creditor and debtor nations .
Battered by austerity , the citizens of debtor countries could easily go the same way .
But debtors and creditor countries alike must also agree that the EU is worth saving .
As these deficits have piled up , the country has become a huge net debtor .