
  • 网络lower rate;Tax rate
  1. 海外债券特别适合于两类人:一类是接近退休年龄并计划到海外过退休生活的人;另一类是在债券到期时将以较低税率纳税的人。

    Offshore bonds are particularly useful for people close to retirement age who are planning to retire abroad or those who will be paying tax at a lower rate when the bond is encashed .

  2. 没有税,国内公司低税率。

    No taxes on IBCs ; low tax rate for domestic companies .

  3. 香港经常被美国传统基金会(HeritageFoundation)列为全球最自由的经济体。该基金会对香港政府的低税率政策十分赞赏,哪怕是非常富有的人也享有很低的税率。

    Hong Kong is routinely ranked as the world 's freest economy by the conservative Heritage Foundation , which admires the government 's policy of taxing even very rich people at very low rates .

  4. 低税率和完善的基础设施能激励国家的成长。

    Low taxes and good infrastructure spur a nation 's growth .

  5. 他们佯称自己是主张低税率的党派。

    They represented themselves as the party of low taxation .

  6. 以及重申审慎理财及低税率政策。

    And it reaffirms the policies of prudent financial management and low taxation .

  7. 新的包装货物批发商会像法庭上的被告那样请求并试图维持低税率。

    New packers will petition as respondents and attempt to secure low tariffs .

  8. 现在,听着,我们每个人都喜欢低税率。

    Now , look , we all would love to lower taxes on everybody .

  9. 政府正考虑给予外国公司低税率以吸引其投资。

    It is considering giving foreign companies low tax rates so they will invest .

  10. 然而,爱尔兰绝非只是提供低税率而已。

    But it did a lot more than simply offer a low corporate tax rate .

  11. 我想要保持低税率。

    I want to keep taxes low .

  12. 低税率令她得到褒奖。

    Low tax was her mantra .

  13. 香港低税率16%可能是由经常性的公共土地销售获得的。

    HK 's low tax of16 % is made possible by by recurrent public land sales .

  14. 我们会继续推行开明稳健的政策,以及维持低税率而明确的税制。

    We will continue with transparent and predictable government policies and a low and predictable tax structure .

  15. 当保持一个低税率的时候,解决长期税收不平衡的情况有很多种方法。

    There are many options for dealing with the long-term fiscal imbalance while keeping tax rates low .

  16. 低税率不会造成沉重的财政负担,亦会减低避税的意图。

    Low rate of tax will not be burdensome in absolute terms and reduce the reward of avoidance .

  17. 这一变化的受益者应该包括那些已与中国签署避免双重征税协议的低税率地区。

    Beneficiaries of this crackdown should include tax - efficient jurisdictions that have already concluded DTAs with China .

  18. 去年是共和党人坚持,要把前总统乔治。布什任内制定的较低税率扩大到所有收入水平的纳税人;

    Last year , it was Republicans who insisted that lower tax rates enacted under former President George W.

  19. 港澳自由港与低税率经济制度比较研究

    Comparative Study of the " free port " and Low Tax-rate Economic System Between Hong Kong and Macao

  20. 这一通则应针对企业进行实际经营的低税率地区设定一个重要附加条例。

    This general rule should be subject to a major caveat for low-tax jurisdictions where corporations conduct actual operations .

  21. 他说,包括拉美裔在内的所有美国人都将受益于他的保持低税率的经济计划。

    He said all Americans , including Hispanics , will benefit from his economic plan to keep taxes low .

  22. 他们想要的是“小”政府和低税率,主张百姓个人的经济困窘留给他们自己去解决。

    They wanted government small and taxes low , with individuals in economic trouble left to fend for themselves .

  23. 具体可以在出台各种征税规定时,通过设计过渡性质的低税率或一些减免优惠规定。

    Specific can come out various tax rules in , through the low taxes or design transitional relief preferential provisions .

  24. 当经济整合加快时,个人和商业就有了利用国外低税率的自由。

    When economic integration increases , individuals and businesses gain the freedom to take advantage of low tax rates abroad .

  25. 他说,包括拉美裔在内的所有美国人都将受益于他保持低税率的经济计划。

    He said all Americans , including Hispanics , will b e nefit from his economic plan to keep taxes low .

  26. 很多美国人会说,美国通过继续施行低税率以避开欧洲诅咒,但这些人应该重新思考一下。

    Many Americans will say that they are dodging the European curse by keeping Taxation so low but they should look again .

  27. 而1月1日起实施的新的较低税率提供了一次性推助,这一因素将在2008年后消失。

    And a new lower tax rate kicked in on January 1 , providing a one-off lift that will disappear from 2008 .

  28. 盈利的科技公司往往通过低税率国家来转移收入,这种避税安排也导致了现金储备不断增加。

    Tax avoidance arrangements that have enabled rich tech companies to channel revenues through low-tax countries have contributed to the growing cash hoard .

  29. 同时,离岸金融本身的低税率也给国际避税提供了一个新的途径。

    At the same time , the low tax rate of offshore finance also provides a new way to avoid the international tax .

  30. 比利时不想放弃工资指数化;爱尔兰认为放弃企业所得税低税率无异于自杀。

    Belgium does not want to give up wage indexation ; Ireland thinks it would be suicide to abandon its low corporate tax rates .