
yóu bù
  • tarpaulin;tarp;oilcloth;oilskin
油布 [yóu bù]
  • [oilskin;trapaulin;oilcloth] 用于防水或防湿、防潮而上过油的布

油布[yóu bù]
  1. 撑一把古旧的油布伞,丁香一般的姑娘沿着狭窄的巷子走着。

    An old oilcloth umbrella in hand , the lilac girl walks along the narrow lane .

  2. “家具和油布十二先令,统税和特税一镑四先令一便士,济贫税一镑一先令五个半便士。”

    " Twelve shillings for the furniture and oilcloth , one pound four and one penny for the General District and Special Rates , and one pound one and fivepence halfpenny for Poor Rate . "

  3. 五金店内水泵和防水油布已经卖光了。

    Hardware stores have sold out of water pumps and tarpaulins

  4. 下雨的时候,我用油布草草搭了一个能简单避雨的棚子。

    When it rained I rigged up a partial shelter with a tarpaulin

  5. 这意味着需要帐篷和其他物资,包括塑料布、放水油布和木材

    That means providing tents or other materials , including plastic sheeting , tarpaulins and wood .

  6. 滤油布,纺织品或人发制成

    Cloth , oil filtering , of textile fibres or human hair

  7. 我们需要一块防水油布把这台机器盖一下。

    We 'll need a sheet of tarpaulin to cover the machine .

  8. 假钞在油布下面的盒子里。

    The fake bills were in boxes under a tarp .

  9. 油布覆盖着锆石之类矿产。

    Mineral sands , such as zircon , sit under a tarpaulin .

  10. 我们将油布横挂在窗子上遮住阳光。

    We put a tarpaulin across the window to block out the sun-light .

  11. 将油布展开铺平在花园旁边的平地上。

    Spread your garden tarpaulin flat on the ground next to the garden .

  12. 挂在门后钩子上的破旧的油布雨衣

    Cracked rain slicker on the hook by the door

  13. 火花使油布燃烧起来了。

    The sparks set fire to the oily rags .

  14. 我们把真钞留在了油布下面。

    We left the real money under the tarp .

  15. 那男人年迈,弯腰曲背,身穿油布雨衣,显得身体虚弱。

    He was an old man , stooped and frail-looking under his slicker .

  16. 在这些神奇的海滩上,游戏的孩子们总是驾着油布小船靠岸登陆。

    On these magic shores children at play are for ever beaching their coracles .

  17. 它还被使用于一个填料在纸,皮革,油布。

    It is used as a filler in paper , leather , and linoleum .

  18. 他把涂料刷在油布上。

    He dabbed some paint on the canvas .

  19. 机器突然起火燃烧,简直吓破了我的胆。火花使油布燃烧起来了。

    I got the fright of my life when the machine burst into flames .

  20. 大批的男性则把用油布包裹好的遗体从受损的房屋中搬运出来。

    Groups of men carried bodies wrapped in tarps out of the damaged buildings .

  21. 让大家把东西都用油布包起来。

    Tell your guys tarps over everything .

  22. 我们为什么不查一下咖啡工厂的那块油布?

    Why don 't we take a look at that tarp from the coffee factory ?

  23. 由于物质(如油布)内部氧化过程而引起的燃烧现象。

    Ignition of a substance ( as oily rags ) resulting from an internal oxidation process .

  24. 其过时的橱柜,基准器具,胶木(厨房的)工作台面和油布楼层早已远去了。

    Its outdated cabinets , baseline appliances , Formica countertops and linoleum floors had to go .

  25. 将刮雨器、油布和其他易燃材料保存在规定的容器中。

    Store wipers , oily rags and other flammable materials in receptacles provided for that purpose .

  26. “这就是,先生。”我说着就把那油布包递给了他。

    Here it is , sir , 'said I , and gave him the oilskin packet .

  27. 令他惊讶的是,他发现所有的干草堆都盖上了防水油布。

    To his amazement , he discovered that all of the haystacks had been covered with tarpaulins .

  28. 三个月后,我们发现了一些铁路枕木,我叔叔也给我们弄来一些油布。

    After three months , we found some railway sleepers and my uncle brought us a tarpaulin .

  29. 防水油布是被用来做成保护性遮盖物的一种的防水的材料。

    A tarp is a sheet of heavy waterproof material that is used as a protective cover .

  30. 老人撑着一把油布伞在教学楼和食堂之间接送学生过去。

    Propped up an old oil Busan teaching building and the cafeteria in the student transfers between the past .