
yóu bèng
  • oil pump
油泵 [yóu bèng]
  • [oil pump] 用来抽油或压油的泵

油泵[yóu bèng]
  1. 详细介绍了密闭式炼胶机高压油泵改成由可编程控制器(PLC)控制过程。

    Detailed introduction of high pressure oil pump for mixer modified with PLC control .

  2. 基于Pro/E和ANSYS的油泵转子分析

    Analysis of Oil Pump Rotor Based on Pro / E and ANSYS

  3. 高速油泵试验台CAT系统设计

    Design of Computer Aided Test System for High Speed Fuel Pump

  4. 基于ANSYS的叶片式机油泵配流盘的有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of Port Plate of Blade-Type Oil Pump Based on ANSYS

  5. 一个基于VRML齿轮油泵装拆交互系统及实现技术

    Based on VRML Gear Oil Pump Assembling and Dismantling Interactive System and Realization Technology

  6. HLB型空心环流稠油抽油泵

    Model HLB hollow circulation subsurface pump for heavy oil recovery

  7. 系统使用NI公司的数据采集和信号调理模块,在线监测9台输油泵机组的振动和温度信号。

    Using NI data acquiring and signal processing modules , this system can be used to monitor the signals of vibration 、 axial displacement and temperature of the 9 pumps .

  8. CBL系列齿轮油泵密封铜环的改进

    Improvement of CBL Series Oil Pump Sealed Copper Bushing

  9. DF(4D)型机车主机油泵出油管振裂的原因分析及对策

    Reason analysis and countermeasures of the delivery pipe rhegma by vibrating for DF_ ( 4D ) locomotive main lubricating oil pump

  10. 基于FSVM的抽油泵示功图识别方法

    FSVM based recognition approach for downhole pump dynamometer cards

  11. 航空柱塞式油泵ZB-16D柱塞腔壁贯穿故障分析

    An analysis of damage failure of plunger hole wall for the pump zb-16d

  12. 首先分析了抽油泵充满度的参数固定ARMA估计方法,提出一种基于最大熵原理的变参数自适应算法。

    Based on the analysis of the method of the ARMA estimation of parameter-fixed that is used to estimate charged degree of oil-pump , a new parameter-variable adaptive algorithm based on the principle of the maximal entropy is proposed .

  13. 该文分析了递阶结构表达方式的不足,利用扩展的实体关联(EER)表达方式建立了产品的数据模型,并以油泵产品为例建立了产品数据模型的展开结构。

    In this paper , we analyze the shortcomings of hierarchical structure , and build product model with extended entity relationship ( EER ) approach . A product model of fuel pump is shown as an example .

  14. 使用PC104系统及称重传感器对油泵喷油量数据进行采集,降低成本,缩小测量设备体积。

    Use the PC104 system and weight sensors to collect the amount of spraying oil data of the oil pump , reduce cost , reduce the cubage of measure equipments are discussed .

  15. 为满足超长冲程的需要,采用两个或更多个相互间距离为100~150m的柱塞串联成特种抽油泵的多节柱塞,用油管作为特种抽油泵的泵筒。

    To satisfy the requirement of ultra-long stroke , two or more plungers spaced 100m  ̄ 150m apart are adopted as a series plunger of the special subsurface pump , and the tubing string as the pump barrel .

  16. 苛刻条件下BOSCH高压油泵台架试验后,其润滑性能无明显变化,油泵无明显磨损现象,泵的输出性能没有损失,没有任何有关燃油或者润滑剂的兼容性问题。

    After the rigorous bench test of BOSCH high-pressure fuel pump , the lubricity of the fuel added with the ester has no obvious change , the pump has no obvious wear , the output of the pump also has no loss .

  17. 该文分析200MW汽轮机主油泵油压下跌的原因,提出了相应的技术完善措施,并在运行实践中收到了非常好的效果。

    The paper analyses factors that caused the pressure of a200MW turbine 's main oil pump to drop off , suggest relevant improvements and reports on beneficial results obtained in operation .

  18. 剪切壁厚7~8mm的汽车传动轴管和抽油泵管用带钢的实践表明,合理调整纵剪机上下刀片的水平间隙和垂直间隙,可获得理想的带钢边缘状态,其焊接质量明显提高。

    The result from the operation of slitting the strip for 7-8mm heavy welded pipes for automobile drive shaft and oil pump shows that proper adjustment of the slitter knives gaps in both horizontal and vertical directions will bring about satisfactory strip edge , which means much better welding quality .

  19. 用STD总线计算机(Z80CPV)辅助AST386微机可监测3台输油泵机组运行参数的采集,数据处理、越限报警、图形显示、集中管理。

    By using STD bus-computer ( Z 80 CPV ) and assisted by AST 386 microcomputer , three oil transportation pump units can be monitered and the following functions can be completed : operation parameter collecting , data processing , off-limit alarms , graphic display and centralized management .

  20. 长柱塞式防砂抽油泵原理与应用

    Mechanism and application of long plunger sand control sucker rod pump

  21. 磨煤机润滑油站油泵切换故障分析

    Fault analysis during oil pump switch of coal pulverizer lubrication station

  22. 抽油泵凡尔罩可靠性分析及对策

    Valve Cover of Oil Well Pump : Reliability Analysis and Strategy

  23. 抽油泵阀开启压差的计算方法

    Method for calculating pressure drop over valve of sucker rod pump

  24. 离心式高速泵与润滑油泵自启动控制设计改进

    Design Improvement on Centrifugal High-Speed Pump and Lubricating Oil Pump Auto-Starting

  25. 摩托车单轴双体机油泵

    An Introduction to Single - shaft Double Oil Pump for Motorcycle

  26. 涡喷七主燃油泵改型设计技术论证

    Improving the Design of the Main Fuel Pump of Turbo-jet 7

  27. 轴流压缩机主油泵故障诊断与处理

    Trouble Diagnosis and Treatment of Main Oil Pump for Axial Compressor

  28. 注射成型机的油泵寿命与污染控制

    Oil Pump Life and Pollution Control of Plastics Injection Molding Machine

  29. 外啮合直齿轮机油泵容积效率的研究

    A Study on Volumetric Efficiency of External Gearing Cylindrical Gear Pump

  30. 单缸柴油机油泵凸轮的耐磨工艺试验分析

    Experiment Analysis of Wear Resistance oil Pump Cam of Diesel Engine