
yóu zhān
  • asphalt felt;linoleum;felt
油毡 [yóu zhān]
  • [asphalt felt] 用植物纤维和动物毛做的厚纸坯或毡浸透沥青后制成的建材,有隔水性,有韧性,可用来做屋顶、地下室墙壁等的防水、防潮层

油毡[yóu zhān]
  1. 焚烧法处理油毡厂沥青烟气

    Treating Asphalt Felt Plant Smoke by High Temperature Burning

  2. 油毡纸数字定长系统

    Asphalt Felt Digital System Determining Length

  3. 船舱地上铺着油毡。

    The cabins had linoleum tile floors .

  4. 谁将铺设地板油毡?

    Who will lay the linoleum ?

  5. 校舍都是水泥地面,上面铺着油毡,里面没有楼梯,取而代之,每一层都有两个斜坡,便于轮床上下,两个斜坡互成180度的角。

    The floors were all concrete linoleum3 and instead of stairs in the building there were two gurney ramps5 per floor , at 180 degree angles from each other that traversed you through the levels .

  6. 冷柜那一层原来是做手术的地方,这就能充分解释红色油毡和它下边那几层的陈旧的褐色东西的来历了,那些褐色的东西是在手术过程中流的血。

    The first level with the meat locker classroom was the operating wing that would explain the red linoleum versus23 the equally aged20 brown stuff on the subsequent floors ; for all the blood spillage during surgeries .

  7. PLC在油毡卷毡机中的应用

    Application of PLC in the rolling treated machine

  8. APP改性油毡在公路反射裂缝中的应用

    Research of Reflect Crack Treatment Vising Modified APP Asphalt Felt

  9. APP改性沥青油毡施工工艺的探索

    Study of construction process of APP waterproof bitumen material

  10. SBS改性沥青油毡屋面防水施工

    Simple discussion on roof waterproof construction of SBS modified asphalt felt

  11. SBS改性沥青油毡的现状与发展前景

    Present situation and developmental prospect of SBS modified asphalt felt

  12. 适用于各种材料的地板,如PVC,油毡,聚氨脂,石类等地板。

    Apply to all types of floor , such as PVC , linoleum , polyurethane , vinyl-asbestos , stoneware and etc.

  13. 简要介绍了SBS防水层相对于沥青油毡防水层的优点、SBS屋面防水的操作工艺流程、材料准备情况、检查验收、施工条件及成品保护情况。

    In this article the advantages of SBS waterproof layer than asphalt felt waterproof layer are simply introduced .

  14. 我厂可生产各种规格的油毡,以及专门用于生产油毡所用的原纸及SBS。

    Our factory can produce all kinds of linoleum and linoleum specifically used for the production of base paper and SBS .

  15. 适用于多种类型的铺地,包括织物地板铺装、PVC片层或砖片、油毡和橡胶地板。

    It can be used for many different covering types , includes textile floor coverings , PVC in sheet and tile , sheet linoleum and sheet rubber flooring .

  16. SBS防水卷材是以聚脂纤维为胎体,以SBS橡胶改性石油沥青为漫渍涂盖层,以聚乙烯塑料薄膜为防粘隔离层的一种柔性油毡。

    Waterproof coiled materials of SBS are a flexible felt of polyester fibre as casing , SBS modified asphalt as coating and polyethylene film as antiseizing separation layer .

  17. 介绍了用可编程序控制器(PLC)取代油毡卷毡机控制器实现定长控制,用PLC的高速脉冲输出(PWM)控制调速电机转速的方法。

    The present article introduces the method of length control by substituting PLC for rolling treated machine controller , and that of motor control by using PWM , which is output by PLC high-speed pulses .

  18. 同时,烟花、DSD酸、蜡烛、油毡等生产出口优势也很明显。

    And some products'production export predominance is also obvious such as fireworks , DSD acid , candles and asphalt felt .

  19. 以常规覆膜(ck1)和起垄覆膜(ck2)为对照,探讨了玉米采取沟垄种植,并用油毡替代地膜覆盖垄面的集水效应对耕层地温、植株生长发育及产量和水分生产效率的影响。

    The rain water collection effect of maize with asphalt felt mulching and ridge planting and the effects on the soil temperature , the plant development and the yield , and the water productivity were studied .

  20. 油毡瓦屋面细部节点的施工要点

    Key points for construction of local joints on Asphalt Roll Roofing

  21. 一种设计在雕刻过程中雕刻进一块油毡。

    A design carved in relief into a block of linoleum .

  22. 地毯、草垫、席类、油毡及其它铺地板用品;

    Textiles and textile goods , not included in other classes ;

  23. 连续式沥青油毡瓦冲切工艺及设备的设计

    Design of continuous punching process of bitumen shingles and its equip-ment

  24. 油毡,以纺织品为底的,不论是否已裁制成形

    Linoleum on a textile base whether or not cut to shape

  25. 沥青油毡瓦的名称及其在中国的应用

    Asphalt roofing shingle , its name and use in China

  26. 油毡填充料加入量与物理性能的关系

    Relation between filling material quantity in asphalt felt and its physical properties

  27. 沥青油毡屋面渗漏的原因分析及维修方法

    Cause and repair of seepage of roofage of asphalt felt

  28. 油毡基布专用涤纶短纤维的开发和结构性能研究

    The Development and Structural Research of PET Staple Fiber for Roofing Felt

  29. 吸烟与油毡生产男性工人肺癌死亡关系的研究

    Study on relationship between smoking and lung cancer of asphalt felt making workers

  30. 沥青油毡屋面降雨径流污染物浓度历时变化研究

    Research on variations of asphalt felt roof runoff pollutant concentrations during the rainfall