
  • 网络Stock Quotes;stock;stock quotation
  1. Comet支持基于浏览器的即时消息和实时股票行情等等。

    Comet allows for browser-based instant messaging , real-time stock quotes , and so on .

  2. 许多应用中会连续不断产生大量随时间演变的序列型数据,构成时间序列数据流,如传感器网络、实时股票行情、网络及通信监控等场合。

    Many applications will continuously produce large amounts of sequential data which evolves along with time to form time-series data streams , such as sensor networks , real-time stock quotes , networking and communications monitoring and other occasions .

  3. 国际商用机器公司的股票行情被视为华尔街股市的风向标。

    IBM is considered the bellwether stock on Wall Street .

  4. 这两天香港股票行情看跌。

    Stock market quotations in Hong Kong are expected to fall in the next few days .

  5. 例如,新闻频道的自动收报机显示来自金融交易所的实时股票行情,它每n秒收到一次新数据。

    A good example is a news channel ticker displaying live stock prices from a financial exchange with new data arriving every n seconds .

  6. 比如,一个Internet门户站点,从不同的数据源收集信息(比如,天气、新闻、股票行情等),然后把这些信息提供给它的用户。

    For example , an Internet portal site that aggregates information from many different sources such as weather , news headlines , and stock prices and provides that information to its users .

  7. 本文通过构建针对股票行情分析这一主题的数据集市,详细介绍了如何利用OracleExpress工具组开发O-LAP应用,并着重研究了OLAP多维数据模型的设计和建立。

    This paper introduces in detail how to develop OLAP applications using the tools of Oracle Express , focusing on the design and implementation of the MDDB of OLAP .

  8. Roo还提供了一个选项,可以在您的应用程序中嵌入Twitter消息、文档、股票行情,地图,照片和视频流。

    Roo also provides you an option to embed Twitter messages , documents , stock tickers , maps , photos , and video streams in your application .

  9. 论文并对数字机顶盒的概念和基本功能进行了分析,如数字电视业务、TVOD业务、NVOD业务、股票行情的接收和分析业务、浏览器业务和在线游戏业务等。

    In addition , this thesis expatiates concept of the Set Top Box and analyses elementary services such as digital TV service , TVOD service , NVOD service , STOCK service , browser service and games on-line .

  10. 股票行情又见涨!生意也有了起色。

    Share prices are looking up again ! So is business .

  11. 下周要拜访客户,跟他们讨论股票行情。

    I will visit my clients to discuss the market with them .

  12. 华尔街对航空公司股票行情香跌是相当明智的。

    Wall Street would be sensible to be bearish on airline shares .

  13. 但是我仍然对那些股票行情不佳的基金没有信心。

    But I still have doubted those funds with bad stock performance .

  14. 另外还有一些例子,例如比赛的比分、股票行情或电子邮件程序。

    Other examples are sports scores , stock tickers , or e-mail programs .

  15. 看新闻、了解股票行情

    Read the news , the share prices , etc

  16. 为读者进行股票行情、基金以及行业知识的深入探讨。

    Discuss the stock prices , the fund and the depth of industry knowledge .

  17. 股票行情狂跌使乔治遭到破产。

    The stock market crash did George in .

  18. 卖出的人多了,股票行情就看跌。

    The more people heavily sell stocks , the lower the stock prices fall .

  19. 许多出版商已经把股票行情表放到了网上,以减少印刷页数。

    Many have moved stock tables online to cut the number of pages they print .

  20. 股票行情现在看涨。

    The stock market is stronger now .

  21. 复杂性思维与股票行情走势判断

    Complexity thinking and stock quotations tendency judging

  22. 我勉强列了一会那些不计其数的股票行情。

    I tried for a while to list the quotations on an interminable amount of stock .

  23. 在股票行情看跌期间,许多投机商混水摸鱼,从中获利。

    Many speculator mad money during the decline of the stock market by fishing in troubled waters .

  24. 股票行情现在看涨(买者踊跃)。

    The stock market is stronger now , ie People are more willing to buy shares , etc.

  25. 两个朋友坐在角落里闲聊股票行情。

    The two friends sat in a corner and chatted away about the price of stocks and shares .

  26. 这些小部件包括活动追踪、日历事件、地图、文字短信、突发重大新闻及股票行情。

    These include activity tracking , calendar events , maps , text messages , breaking news , and stock details .

  27. 简单服务,类似股票行情服务或温度服务等没有服务质量担保、且可以免费获得的服务

    Simple services , like stock quote services or temperature services with no quality of service guarantee and available at no charge

  28. 塞吉奥:我现在就能看股票行情,买电影票,还能查查饭店的情况。

    Sergio : I can now watch my stock value , buy movie tickets , and even check for restaurant information .

  29. 他睡在一家公司的一间房子里,这公司专给纽约各商行提供股票行情。

    He slept in a room belonging to a company that sent information on stock prices to the business houses of new york .

  30. 股票行情自动收录器开始像犯痉挛似地断断续续地吐出卷卷纸带,桌上的电话像害了慢性病似的不时作响。

    The ticker began to reel out jerkily its titful coils of tape , the desk telephone had a chronic attack of buzzing .