
  • 网络SHARES;strand
  1. 看来在这次IPO中,摩根士丹利至少要担管理不善之则,要么是定的发行价太高,要么是发行股数过多。

    At the very least , it looks like Morgan Stanley mismanaged the offering , by either signing off on a price that was too high , or agreeing to sell too many shares in the deal .

  2. 已出售和发行给股东的股数构成公司的发行股本。

    Shares that have been sold and issued to stockholders constitute the issued stock of the corporation .

  3. 高盛因向美国投资者出售Facebook上市前股份吸引了注意力。该公司将计划售股数提高了一倍多,相关收益可能达10亿美元。

    Goldman Sachs , which drew attention for scuttling plans to market pre-IPO Facebook shares to US investors , has more than doubled the number of shares it plans to sell , raising up to $ 1bn .

  4. 认股人按照所认股数缴纳股款。

    Subscribers make payment for shares according to the number of shares they have subscribed .

  5. 因此,发行在外的加权平均普通股数可计算如下

    Thus , the weighted average number of common shares outstanding can be computed as follows

  6. 发行在外的普通股股数已认股本未收股款数

    Number of common shares outstanding

  7. 捻绳股数与结构因子互换关系及其对自稳定性影响研究

    Research of Interchangable Relationship for Part Numbers and Structural Factor with Twined Rope and Its Influence of Self-Stability

  8. 假设三:转让股数占流通股本的比例与大股东控制权溢价水平呈正向相关。

    Scenario 3 , transferring shares of circulating capital ratio and control premium level of major shareholders is relevant .

  9. 为了说明这一点,我们假定某一个公司年初发行在外的普通股数为10股。

    To illustrATe this , we assume thAT a corporATion had10 shares of common stock outstanding AT the beginning of the year .

  10. 公司章程规定公司发行股票的股数需经注册州的核定。

    The articles of incorporation specify the number of shares that a corporation is authorized to issue by the state of incorporation .

  11. 优先认股权计划使得他以从公司提前优惠认购一定股数的股票,一旦股票价格上涨便可以卖出获利。

    A stock option plan gives him shares in the company which he can sell at a profit if the price goes up .

  12. 公司之前的总发行股数多重投票权股票,可赎回的第一优先股票和下属表决权股份都被有效的取消了。

    The company 's previously issued and outstanding multiple voting shares , redeemable first preferred shares and subordinate voting shares were effectively canceled .

  13. 如果公司通过股票分割来增加总股数,这不是摊薄,因为没有发生实质性变化。

    If the company increases the number of shares through a split that is not dilution because it doesn 't really mean anything .

  14. 第二步,用股东权益的剩余价值除以发行在外的普通股股数以确定普通股每股账面价值。

    Second , the number of common shares outstanding to determine book value per common share divides the remaining amount of stockholders ' equity .

  15. 在向各家公司和证交所施压6年后,韦布终于在今年看到按股数投票成为强制性规定。

    After six years of pressing companies and the stock exchange , Mr Webb at last saw voting by poll become mandatory this year .

  16. 您可透过申请新股认购贷款,以认购更多新股,从而提高获配发较多股数的机会。

    With HK IPO loan , you are able to subscribe more shares and increase the chance of receiving higher number of allocated shares .

  17. 在这个公式中,发行在外的普通股加权平均股数必须以普通股票发行的时间为基础计算。

    In the formula , the weighted average number of common shares outstanding must be computed based on the issue time of the common shares .

  18. 普通股票的每股账面价值表达的是普通股权益与发行在外的普通股票股数之间的关系。

    The book value per share of common stock expresses the relationship of common stockholders ' equity to the number of shares of common stock outstanding .

  19. 至于目前尚未投保D&O保险之企业,其潜在保险需求则与是否有海外投资以及内部董事持股数有关。

    For those uninsured companies , the study finds that the potential demand for D & O insurance is related to overseas investment and inside-directors'stock holdings .

  20. 高管平均年薪对公司绩效存在正向影响,而高管持股数和持股比例对公司绩效的影响是负向的。

    Executives average salary has has positive influence on corporate performance . The number of shareholding and proportion of shareholding has negative impact on company performance .

  21. 户均持股数与股价操纵呈现显著的正相关关系,换手率与股价操纵也有明显的正相关关系。

    The number of holdings per household and stock price manipulation showed a significant positive correlation while turnover and stock price manipulation there was a marked positive correlation .

  22. 一个公司可以通过分割其股票增加发行在外的普通股股数,并成比例降低每股票面价值或设定价值。

    A corporation may split its stock by increasing the number of outstanding shares of common stock and reducing the par or stated value per share in proportion .

  23. 对冲基金老虎环球基金是增加售股数最多的股东。该基金计划售股数从早先的逾300万股提高至2300万股。

    The largest additional sales are by Tiger Global Management , a hedge fund , that plans to sell 23m shares , up from more than 3m previously .

  24. 红股会降低市场上每股的价格,因为股数增加了。总的说来,股票价格越低,就越容易交易。

    Stock dividends tend to reduce the market price per share of stock because there are more shares available . Lower priced shares are in general more easily marketable .

  25. 基于目前理论界对股权激励方面的研究越来越深入,绝大多数学者都是采用人均持股比例或者人均持股股数作为股权激励变量。

    Based on the current theory on profession equity incentives more in-depth research , the vast majority of scholars used average per capita ownership or shares held as variable equity incentives .

  26. 一旦触发止蚀价,即使双向沽盘里的限价止蚀部份在当日尚未到期,当中若有任何尚未成交的股数,也将在该交易日结束时失效。

    Once the stop price is triggered , any unfilled quantity of the sell stop-limit part of your two-way sell order will be expired at the close of the trading day .

  27. 此外,一些公司行为例如拆股和股票分红,需要对指数中该公司的普通股流通股数和股价作一些简单的调整。

    Some corporate actions , such as stock splits and stock dividends , require simple changes in the common shares outstanding and the stock prices of the companies in the Index .

  28. 因此,如果公司只发行普通股,每股账面价值的计算为股东权益总额除以发行在外的股数。

    Thus in a corporation which has issued common stock only , the book value per share is computed by dividing total Stockholders ' equity by the number of shares outstanding .

  29. 至扣除前段送交集中保管及供上市公开销售股数后之其余股票部分,则自上市买卖开始日起届满一年后始得全数领回。

    The share certificates other than those referred to in the preceding sentence and those for public offering may be taken back after the lapse of one full year from the listing date thereof .

  30. 这是由于股改后,股价瞬时大幅度波动,流通股股数增多,引起资产价值波动率σA增大,从而导致信用风险加大。

    This is because after split share structure reform , the stock price instantaneous fluctuated , increasing the number of shares in circulation , causing increased volatility in asset values , resulting in increased credit risk .