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huàn dēnɡ jī
  • slide projector;epidiascope;magic lantern;viewer
  1. 你没有幻灯机,对吗?

    You have not got any slide projector , have you ?

  2. 投影仪的基本功能与幻灯机相似。

    The basic function of an overhead projector is similar to that of a slide projector .

  3. 你将幻灯机还给我了。

    You gave me back the projector

  4. 我的办公室里有一架新的幻灯机。

    There is a new projector in my office .

  5. 我要20张的彩色幻灯机胶卷。

    I want film for color slides , twenty exposures .

  6. 将幻灯片转动以对准幻灯机。

    Turn the slides right-side up in the projector .

  7. 您演讲时需要使用幻灯机吗?

    Do you need a slide projectorduring your speech ?

  8. 幻灯机、灯片、录音机、磁带、标牌、头饰等。

    OHP , transparencies , tape recorder , tape , sign boards and headwear .

  9. 从前,教授们使用高架幻灯机而没有液晶显示投影仪和手提电脑。

    Once upon a time , professors used overhead projectors without LCD panels and laptops .

  10. GB/T16610-1996视听、视频和电视设备与系统双幻灯机控制系统操作规程

    " Audio-visual , video and television equipment and systems-Control systems for two still projectors operating practice "

  11. 用幻灯机放映幻灯片可将图像投射到幕布上。

    If you shine light through a slide using a projector , you can make the photograph appear on a screen .

  12. 酒店还备有先进会议辅助设施以供租用,包括多制式录像机、电视机、幻灯机、屏幕投影仪等供展示用的仪器设备。

    A full range of meeting equipment is also available for rental , including video recorders , television sets , barco systems , overhead projectors and other presentation materials .