
huàn xiǎnɡ qǔ
  • fantasia
幻想曲 [huàn xiǎng qǔ]
  • [fantasy] 具有幻想而自由奔放特点的一种器乐曲

  1. 肖邦《f小调幻想曲》结构形式之分析&初涉混合曲式结构基础的生成原理

    Structural Analysis of Chopin 's " Fantasia in F Minor "

  2. 哈哈,那倒没有,好了,咱们就看《幻想曲》吧,快,就要开始了。Okay,cool.京晶:好哒。

    Haha , no I don 't. Alright , let 's just watch Fantasia .

  3. 布鲁赫《苏格兰幻想曲》《第二小提琴协奏曲》那个时候不知道为什么,能见到的磁带极少有EMI的,而EMI的封面设计恰恰是

    Bruch " Scottish Fantasy "," Violin Concerto " at that time do not know why , to see the tape very little EMI , but EMI 's cover design is precisely

  4. 幻想曲作者想象出的形式自由的乐曲。

    A free composition structured according to the composer 's fancy .

  5. 试论边缘曲式在幻想曲体裁中的实践

    The Practice of the Borderline Song Form in the Works of Fantasia

  6. 幻想曲:你的信号我们收听得很清楚,信号强度为三。

    Fantasia : I read you fair , with signal strength 3 .

  7. 这本书本身就像一张精美的蜘蛛网,一曲美丽的幻想曲。

    A fantasy that has the beauty and delicacy of the web itself .

  8. 你竟然有《幻想曲》,我太激动了。

    You have Fantasia ! I 'm so pumped !

  9. 安东尼奥尼拍摄的唯一一部美国电影,一部关于1960年代晚期的无调性幻想曲。

    Michelangelo Antonioni 's only American film , an atonal fantasia on the late1960s .

  10. 他留下最脍炙人口小品有:《云雀飞翔》和《绿袖子幻想曲》。

    Among his family-name pieces are The Larking Ascending and Fantasy on Green Sleeves .

  11. 简释申克的即兴创作概念&肖邦《波洛涅兹幻想曲》个案分析

    Elucidating the Notion of Improvisation of Schenck

  12. 幻想曲:该热带暴风圈的中心位置、前进方向以及每小时风速为何?

    Fantasia : What is the position , direction and speed of the tropical storm centre ?

  13. 理想国:幻想曲。幻想曲。这里是理想国。我的信号你收得到吗?

    Utopia : Fantasia . Fantasia . This is Utopia . How do you read me ?

  14. 我的名字是幻想曲

    My name is Fantasia

  15. 早在1939年,一款惠普产品就被用来在《幻想曲》中营造惊人的音效。

    Way back in1939 , an HP product was used to help construct the amazing audio in Fantasia .

  16. 民族风格的彰显&解析中国钢琴作品《刘三姐主题幻想曲》

    Illustration of Nationalism & an analysis of the Chinese piano musical works , The Theme Fantasia of Liu Sanjie ;

  17. “幻想曲(1940)”是艺术和技术的成就,它把动画部分与著名的古典音乐片段协调在一起。

    Fantasia ( 1940 ), which coordinated animated segments with famous classical music pieces , was an artistic and technical achievement .

  18. 伦敦最近的两部新剧,恰好以超现实的幻想曲,让斯大林和小说家米哈?布尔加科夫走到了一起。

    Two new London productions that , coincidentally , involve Stalin and the novelist Mikhail Bulgakov , make apt use of surreal fantasia .

  19. 其中有几部,如《匈牙利嬉游曲》、《幻想曲》和《大二重奏》是他的最杰出的作品的一部分。

    Some of them like the Hungarian Divertimento , the Fantasy , and the Grand , Duo , arc among his most splendid pieces .

  20. 他的钢琴作品,包括随想曲、幻想曲、变奏曲、前奏曲、练习曲、协奏曲、《无词歌》等。

    His piano works , including Caprice , Fantasy , Variations , Preludes , Etudes , Concertos ,《 Songs without Words 》 and so on .

  21. 幻想曲:比前一个小时下降三毫巴。500毫巴西风气流的变化是另一个指标。

    Fantasia : and its change is a drop of 3 millibars in the last hour . The variation of westerlies on 500 mb is another index .

  22. 凭借演员们独特的演绎风格,英国壁虎剧团运用喜剧的表演方式,融合电影想象、肢体语言以及引人入胜的音乐,为观众奉上一部关于爱情,欲望,贪婪的幻想曲。

    With their trade-mark inventive style , award-winning Gecko creates a fantasy of love , greed and desire using comedy , cinematic imagery , movement and evocative music .

  23. 本文通过对其中有代表性的的四首幻想曲的研究分析,试图探讨亨利·浦塞尔弦乐幻想曲创作的特点以及对后世音乐作曲技法的发展所产生的影响。

    The article focused on Purcell 's representative four Fantasia to find its characteristic in his masterpieces and the influence on the development of skills of melodizing aftertime .

  24. 你知道吗,我还有《幻想曲》,这部电影也是1940年上映的,并且它里边就有米老鼠,怎么样,你想看吗?

    Well , guess what ? I also have Fantasia . That was made in 1940 too and has Mickey in it.What do you say ? Are you up for it ?

  25. 志同道合,慎重,真诚是交友的永不休止的三个音符,奏出奇妙的幻想曲,演义出人生的真谛,升华文明的精髓。

    Like-minded , careful and sincere is the friends of the never-ending three notes , play the wonderful Fantasy , Romance out the true meaning of life , sublimated essence of civilization .

  26. 好吧,其实他也没说啥,只不过是回来的时候跳着一支能让人想起幻想曲里的开心河马的舞蹈。

    Sheldon : Well , he didn 't actually say anything , but when he came back to the apartment he was doing a dance that brought to mind the happy hippos in fantasia .

  27. 列奥波尔德斯托科夫斯基在他说服迪士尼将“巴赫d小调托卡塔与赋格”的音乐加入到《幻想曲》中的时候,他已经是一位十分著名的指挥家了。

    Leopold Stokowski was already a famous conductor with many recordings to his name when he talked Disney into opening " Fantasia " to the sound of the " Toccata and Fugue in D minor " .

  28. 基本资料:林允儿曾主演韩剧《爱情雨》,这部“命运幻想曲”讲述了一个从父辈延续到现代的爱情故事:上世纪70年代一对恋人因命运捉弄而分手,而到了现代,他们的子女又相恋了。

    Basics : Lim stared in Love Rain , a fantasy drama about fate and how the offspring of a previous ill-fated couple who met in the 1970s , also fall in love with each other .

  29. 1940年沃特·迪士尼拍摄了音乐动画“幻想曲”,每一段的开始和结束都是利奥波德·斯托科夫斯基的剪影。而这位英国指挥家于1977年去世。

    IN " FANTASIA , " Walt Disney 's 1940 film of musically inspired animations , each piece begins and ends in the same way , with the silhouetted figure of Leopold Stokowski , a British conductor who died in 1977 .

  30. 《升C小调幻想即兴曲》在创作手法上集中体现了肖邦本人独特的浪漫主义特色的创作风格。

    66 centrally embodies romantic characteristics and Chopin 's unique composing technique .