
yì wài sǐ wáng
  • accidental death
意外死亡[yì wài sǐ wáng]
  1. 验尸官作出了意外死亡的结论。

    The coroner recorded a verdict of accidental death .

  2. 陪审团作出意外死亡的正式裁决。

    The jury returned a verdict of accidental death

  3. 儿子的意外死亡给他们带来沉重的打击。

    The unexpected death of their son shattered them .

  4. 判定为意外死亡。

    A verdict of death by misadventure was recorded .

  5. 父母意外死亡时,我和妹妹还没成家。所以我不得不辍学养家。

    When our parents died in an accident , and my sister and I remained alone , I had to leave college and bring home the bacon .

  6. 1实验材料试验材料取自意外死亡的成人男性新鲜尸体的胸腰椎(T(10)~L4),共6例。

    Experimental materials Six fresh thoracolumbar spine specimens ( T-L4 ) were obtained from young male cadavers died in accident .

  7. 方法RT-PCR法比较22例经手术及病理证实的PHEO组织及18例意外死亡者(符合医学伦理学要求)的正常肾上腺髓质中TGFα、,TNFα和vEGFmRNA表达的差异;

    Methods The mRNA expressions of TGF α, TNF α, and VEGF detected by RT-PCR , were compared between 22 PHEO tissues and 18 normal adrenal medulla tissues ( according with the principle of medical ethnics ) .

  8. 周一,由六名男性和六名女性组成的审讯迈克尔·杰克逊意外死亡案件的陪审团成员名单最终确定。案件由杰克逊的母亲状告AEG音乐演出公司。

    A jury of six men and six women were finalized Monday for the wrongful death trial of Michael Jackson , filed against concert promoters AEG by his mother .

  9. “Suihide(躲猫猫)”源于一男子在云南省某看守所羁押期间的意外死亡。

    " Suihide " came from the death of a man in a detention center in the southwestern Yunnan Province .

  10. 方法:采用新灰关联分析法,将总的意外死亡序列作为参考序列X0,车辆交通事故等14类意外伤害死亡序列分别作为被比较序列X1~X14。

    Methods : Using grey correlation analysis , the total death sequence of injury was considered as the reference sequence , the other 14 injuries , such as traffic injury , were considered as comparison sequence .

  11. 死因顺位依次为:意外死亡、感染性和围生期疾病、慢性病;

    Accidental death , infection , neonatal diseases and chronic diseases .

  12. 这故事以一个富翁的意外死亡作为开始。

    The story begins with the accidental death of a millionaire .

  13. 1991年中国0~4岁儿童意外死亡的流行病学分析

    Accidental death among children aged 0-4 years in china , 1991

  14. 媒体也可能说是一起意外死亡。

    The media can also spin that as an accidental death .

  15. 溺水是儿童意外死亡的第二大原因。

    Drowning is the second-leading cause of accidental death among children .

  16. 对全世界的小孩来说,车辆的碰撞是最大的引起意外死亡。

    Car crashes cause the most accidental deaths for children worldwide .

  17. 意外死亡中自杀为首因;

    In the accidental deaths , suicide was the first cause .

  18. 意外死亡是天命法则之外的一个例外。

    Accidental death is the exception to the law of destiny .

  19. 农村50岁以上老年人意外死亡的调查分析

    Survey of Unforeseen Death of Elderly Adults Over 50-Years in Rural Areas

  20. 重庆市城市居民1991~2000年意外死亡分析

    Analysis on Accidental Deaths of Townspeople in Chongqing from 1991 to 2000

  21. 66例脑血管意外死亡病例临床分析

    An analysis on causes of death in 66 patients with cerebrovascular accident

  22. 意外死亡的高峰日为7月3日;

    The peak day of accident death is July 3 ;

  23. 洛阳市青少年意外死亡原因分析

    Analysis to accidental death reason of youngsters in Luoyang city

  24. 对意外死亡事件的调查。

    An inquiry into the cause of an unexpected death .

  25. 很明显她两年前就死了意外死亡吧

    Apparently , she died two yearsago - some kind of accident .

  26. 交通意外死亡事故162例分析

    Analysis of 162 Cases Due to Road Traffic Accidents

  27. 宁波地区6岁以下儿童意外死亡原因分析及防范探讨

    Causes and prevention of children ( 6 years ) accidental deaths in Ningbo

  28. 结论:意外死亡造成的损失非常严重;

    Conclusion : The accidental death loss is serious .

  29. 湖南省益阳县儿童意外死亡流行病学研究

    The Epidemiological Study on Childhood Injury Death in Yiyang County , Hunan Province

  30. 我想这不是意外死亡。

    I think you can rule out accidental death .