
  1. 在意大利总统乔治纳波利塔诺(giorgionapolitano)的巧妙领导下,这一次意大利政府的反应实际上迅速且出人意料地团结。

    Masterminded by President Giorgio Napolitano , the reaction has in fact been prompt and unexpectedly cohesive .

  2. 比如西尔维奥·贝卢斯科尼(排名第14位),不仅是意大利总统,还是拥有AC米兰的亿万富翁、媒体巨头,这使他的排名上升了许多。

    Silvio Berlusconi ( No.14 ), for instance , got a big boost for not only being the prime minister of Italy , but because he is also a billionaire media mogul who owns soccer team , AC Milan .

  3. 意大利总统乔治纳波利塔诺(giorgionapolitano)表示,市场对意大利会长期陷入瘫痪的担心毫无根据。

    Giorgio Napolitano , head of state , said that market fears that Italy would be paralysed for a prolonged period were groundless .

  4. 蒙蒂的坚定支持者、意大利总统乔治纳波利塔诺(GiorgioNapolitano)表示,蒙蒂技术官僚政府获得的政治支持日益下降&这是在含蓄警告欧洲领导人:蒙蒂需要带着援助从布鲁塞尔回来。

    Giorgio Napolitano , the Italian president and a strong Monti backer , said that political support for his technocratic government was slipping – an implicit warning to European leaders that Mr Monti needed to return from Brussels with assistance .

  5. 从传统意义上来讲,意大利总统有名无权。

    Traditionally , Italian presidents have been seen and not heard .

  6. 这次人质交换计划是在意大利总统普洛蒂和阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊的协商下进行的。

    The release was negotiated between Italian President Romano Prodi and Afghan President Hamid Karzai .

  7. 意大利总统可能将组建过渡政府,或提前举行大选。

    The president may seek the formation of a caretaker government or call early elections .

  8. 如果我是意大利总统,就会考虑一下吊销他的驾照。

    If I were the President of Italy , I would think about taking away his license .

  9. 意大利总统办公室表示,总统纳波利塔诺在总统府接受了贝卢斯科尼的辞职。

    President Giorgio Napolitano accepted Berlusconi 's resignation after a meeting in the presidential palace , his office said .

  10. 这位74岁的意大利总统否认这一指控。现年18岁的这位年轻女子说,她从没有与贝卢斯科尼他发生性关系。

    The74-year-old prime minister denies the charge , and the young woman , who is now18 , says she never slept with him .

  11. 这套程序每年都得到遵从,意大利总统强调今年的程序也不会发生改变。

    It is a process that has been respected each year and the Italian presidency insists there is no change in procedure this time .

  12. 意大利总统贝卢斯科尼的性丑闻在当地人看来不仅不是是道德羞耻,还是一种荣耀。

    For Silvio Berlusconi , the country 's longest-serving prime minister in modern times , sexual appetite is a matter of pride , not of shame .

  13. 主持完最后一次内阁会议后,贝卢斯科尼前往意大利总统乔治•纳波利塔诺的住处。

    After holding one last cabinet meeting , Silvio Berlusconi made his way to the residence of Italy 's head of state , President Giorgio Napolitano .

  14. 意大利总统西尔维奥贝卢斯科尼和法国总统萨科奇原本也要出席,但由于欧洲经济危机可能会有新情况需要应付,只好留在国内。

    Italy 's Silvio Berlusconi and France 's Nicolas Sarkozy had been expected to attend , but stayed at home in order to be available for possible developments in Europe 's financial crisis .

  15. 意大利总统通过外交部长及意大利驻华大使授予意大利总司令勋章和团结星二级骑士勋章。

    The president of Italy asked the Minister of Foreign Aflairs and the Italian ambassador in China to award him a Italian Commander Medal and the second level of tlnified Star 's Knight Medal .

  16. 各国元首:俄罗斯、中国、日本同意打开门,英国、西班牙、法国、加拿大、德国,我相信我可以代表意大利总统,我们一致同意打开门!

    Heads of states : The people of Russia along with ... China and Japan . Agree to open the gates ! The United Kingdom , Spain , France and Germany , and I believe I may also speak for the Italian Prime Minister : We vote to let these people come in .

  17. 迄今为止,这场危机中倒下的牺牲品已经囊括了意大利总理、希腊总统、法比银行Dexia和最近的美国证券经纪公司明富环球金融(MFGlobal)。

    The casualties , thus far , include the leaders of Italy and Greece ; Dexia , the French-Belgian bank , and most recently MF global , the American brokerage .