
yì qì
  • will and spirit;spirit;expression;interest;personal prejudice
意气 [yì qì]
  • (1) [will and spirit]∶志向与气概

  • 意气风发

  • 意气扬扬。--明. 张溥《五人墓碑记》

  • (2) [spirit;expression]∶精神;神色

  • 意气自若。--清. 邵长蘅《青门剩稿》

  • 意气之盛。--宋. 欧阳修《新五代史.伶官传》

  • (3) [interest]∶志趣

  • 意气投合

  • (4) [personal prejudice]∶偏激、任性的情绪

  • 意气用事

意气[yì qì]
  1. 他意气消沉,得过且过。

    He got depressed and began to let things slide .

  2. 这是意气之争。

    The dispute was a display of personal feelings .

  3. 你有意见提出来,不要闹意气。

    If you have any complaint , don 't just sulk ; speak up .

  4. 你应该挑个和你意气更相投的人同住一室。

    You should choose a roommate more compatible to your tastes .

  5. 忧烦,惶恐,丧失自信,定使心灵扭曲,意气如灰。

    Worry , fear , self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust .

  6. 你是想故意气我吧?

    Are you deliberately winding me up ( ie annoying me )?

  7. 我不是想故意气你的

    I didn 't mean to offend you at all . Wow .

  8. 把她风发的意气横溢到她的才智中去了。

    There was an overflow of strength into her intelligence .

  9. 但为了意气会丧失幸福的。

    But don 't let pride scare away happiness .

  10. 他好象对铁路公司抱着一种意气消沉,不可理喻的恐惧心理。

    He seems to have conceived an abject , unreasoned terror of the Railroad .

  11. 尽管过去几天西莉亚意气消沉,可这时候她的情绪高涨起来。

    Despite her depression from the past few days , celia 's spirits lifted .

  12. 她亲了亲他的前额,就走出屋子去,心情不安,意气消沉。

    She kissed his forehead and went out of the room , uneasy , depressed .

  13. 烦扰惶恐,缺乏自信,人之心则易扭曲,意气如灰。

    Worry , fear , self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dusk .

  14. 他衰弱憔悴,意气消沉。

    He pined and became melancholy .

  15. 还是一支就像最近友谊赛上所表现出的那样一支,意气消沉,一撅不振,作风懒散,毫无斗志的弱旅?

    Or the shrunken , oddly lifeless and disjointed side we 've seen in recent friendlies ?

  16. 烦忧、惶恐、丧失自信,定使心灵扭曲,意气如灰。

    Worry , fear , self-distrust1 bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust .

  17. 尼克松的指示可能是出于个人意气;然而,它们却反映了总统的需要。

    Nixon 's instructions may have been triggered by personal pique ; they nevertheless reflected Presidential necessities .

  18. 我敢说他说这句是有意气一气施特略夫;如果他确实有这个意思,他算成功了。

    But I dare say he said it to annoy , and if he did he certainly succeeded .

  19. 对一个旁观者来说,今天的西方社会中一个最突出的特征就是意气的衰退。

    A decline in courage may be the most striking feature which an outside observer notices in the West today .

  20. 当沃尔特再次看到他的时候,他又以过去那种不声不响、意气消沉、卑躬屈节的态度伏在他的办公桌前。

    When Walter saw him next , he was bending over his desk in his old silent , drooping , humbled way .

  21. 演习的本意是威慑朝鲜,但实际上已变得有点像是与中国的意气之争。

    Designed as an act of deterrence against North Korea , it has turned into something of a battle of wills with China .

  22. 身为男子汉而投身于人生激烈竞争之际意气消沉的话,宁可当个死人算了。

    If a man sinks discouraged upon the threshold of a life of fierce competition he may as well be a dead man .

  23. 如果说我们看到一个家庭成员或是朋友意气消沉,也许我们可以能给他或她一些特别的关心照顾。

    If we notice a family member or friend is dropping , perhaps we can pay some special attention to him or her .

  24. 可是必须承认,沃尔特感到自己丧尽体面,意气消沉。这丝毫也不是责备他对董贝先生不知感激。

    But without the least impeachment of his gratitude to Mr Dombey , it must be confessed that Walter was humbled and cast down .

  25. 身处信息时代,媒介环境千变万化,任何简单论断泰国华文报业前途的言论都显得意气草率。

    In the information age , the media environment is protean , any simple conclusions on the future of Chinese-language newspaper in Thailand are sloppy .

  26. 西雅图颓废摇滚曲风的“涅磐乐队”位列榜单之首,上榜歌曲为《少年意气》,排名第二的是“暴力反抗机器”乐队的《杀戮的名义》。

    Seattle grunge outfit Nirvana topped the list with Smells Like Teen Spirit , followed by Rage Against the Machine 's Killing in the Name .

  27. 这种建设性的文化个性与他们以人为中心的文化理念紧密相关,并使其在中西方文化的处理问题上,显示出了兼容并包的风度意气。

    This attitude reveales the close combination of their cultural identities with their idea of human centeredness and demonstrated their liberal spirit facing the issues of Sino-Western cultures .

  28. 在写生中,不仅仅是要感受自然、抒写心中意气,更重要的是感受东方艺术的奥秘。

    In the painting in , not just to feel natural , Expressing emotional mind and , more importantly , the feelings of the mysteries of Oriental Art .

  29. 在这个由男人意气主导的战争氛围中,面对悲伤与仇恨的同时,战争双方的母亲们都在竭尽全力维护着她们的家庭和自己的平安。

    Amid the machismo of wartime , mothers on both sides struggle to keep their families and them selves intact in the face of the grief and hatred .

  30. 今天,只剩下我独自一人,伤心肠断,意气消沉的时候,春天又来了,我不知道怎样把它从门口赶开。

    Now when I am left alone and heart-sick the spring day comes once again , but I know not how to turn him away from the door .