
yì xiànɡ shū
  • letter of intent
  1. 本意向书自甲乙双方代表签字盖章之日起生效,有效期一年。双方在此前签订的供货合同不受本意向书的约束。

    This letter of intent becomes valid at the day being signed by the two parties , and maintain in force for one year .

  2. 上周五黑莓预告了其季度业绩以后,股价下跌17%,昨日盘中再跌5%。在宣布公司已经与Fairfax牵头的财团签订了一项意向书之前,黑莓股票停盘,停盘价8.26美元。

    BlackBerry 's shares , which fell a further 5 per cent in trading yesterday after dropping 17 per cent on Friday when the company pre-announced its quarterly results , were suspended at $ 8.26 ahead of the announcement that the company had signed a Letter of Intent with a consortium led by Fairfax .

  3. 根据美国国家科学基金会(NationalScienceFoundation)2011年的一项调查,35%的博士学位获得者——43%的人文学科博士——在完成学业时没有签下就业意向书。

    According to a 2011 National Science Foundation survey , 35 percent of doctorate recipients - and 43 percent of those in the humanities - had no commitment for employment at the time of completion .

  4. 按照协议用语,书面协议分为三个基本类型:协议将来达成协议(agreementtoagree)、协议意向书、以及说明详细且具备约束力的协议。

    There are three basic types of written agreements , depending on the language of the agreement : agreements to agree , letters of intent , and a fully defined , binding agreement .

  5. Oracle同时也宣布,正计划提交一份意向书,意在将JavaFX做为一个新项目,在OpenJDK社区中开源。

    Oracle also announced their intention to submit a proposal to open source the JavaFX platform as a new project within the OpenJDK Community .

  6. 在失望股东的压力下,Tribune一直在考虑其战略选择。上周,该公司收到了几家私人股本公司的意向书。

    Under pressure from frustrated shareholders , Tribune has been mulling strategic options , and last week received indications of interest from a group of private equity firms .

  7. Embraer也与阿根廷、智利、哥伦比亚、捷克和葡萄牙签订了意向书,五个国家合计将购买32架这种飞机。

    Letters of intent have also been signed with five other countries to buy 32 aircraft , including Argentina , Chile , Colombia , Czech Republic and Portugal .

  8. 三洋(Sanyo)已启动出售其半导体业务的程序,预计在本月底日本黄金周假期开始之前,竞购者将提交收购意向书。

    Sanyo has started the process of selling its semiconductor operations , with bidders expected to submit expressions of interest before Japan 's Golden Week holidays start at the end of the month .

  9. 只有列入意向书的产品才有资格接受资格预审。

    Only products included in an EOI are eligible for prequalification .

  10. 报名须填写报名登记表,并订立合作意向书。

    Fill in the registration form and signing cooperation letter of intent .

  11. 所有有兴趣的申请人应发出一份意向书的基础。

    All interested applicants should send a letter of intent to the foundation .

  12. 向客户索要一份意向书。

    B.Ask the customer for a letter of intent .

  13. 意向书正在实质性内容方面进行修改。

    The letter of intent is undergoing substantial modification .

  14. 为有潜力员工制作合作意向书以及合同。

    Make LOI and contract for potential candidates .

  15. 如果价格在合理的话,他将再提供购买意向书和银行资金证明给我们。

    If the price is in range , he will deliver LOI and BCL .

  16. 这些北极国家已在今年7月签署了相关意向书。

    This follows the declaration of intent signed in July by the Arctic countries .

  17. 假如没有非凡申明,不要让你的客户在意向书上签字。

    Don 't let your client sign a letter of intent without this wording .

  18. 意向书付诸实施后,买方应即刻起草购买和销售协议。

    Upon execution of this letter Buyer shall prepare the Purchase and Sale Agreement .

  19. 我们两家公司联署了一份今年的合作意向书。

    Our two companies jointly signed a letter of intent to cooperate for this year .

  20. 我没有递交你的竞选意向书。

    I never filedyour intent-to-run papers .

  21. 在递入的意向书中,得分最高者更有可能被邀请申请居留。

    Those with highest total points in their EOI may be invited to apply for residence .

  22. 知道自己的存折,信用卡对账单,保险合约,意向书等等放在哪里。

    Know where your accounts , credit-card statements , insurance documents , will , etc. are .

  23. 药品列入意向书以下列一项或多项标准为基础

    The inclusion of a medicine in an EOI is based on one or more of three criteria

  24. 在作投资决定前,应阅读招股意向书和最终的发行文件;

    You should read the Latest Updated Prospectus and final offering document before making an investment decision ;

  25. 台湾在3月31日提交了作为创始成员加入亚投行的意向书。

    Taiwan submitted a letter of intent on March 31 to join the institution as a founding member .

  26. 请你们务必在8月1日前提出意向书。

    You are kindly requested to submit the letter of intent on the date no later than1st august .

  27. 双方在此前签订的供货合同不受本意向书的约束。

    The supply contract between two parties signed prior to this letter of intend shall be independent from it .

  28. 意向书一式二份,双方各持一份,具有同等法律效力。

    This letter of intent is made in duplicate , each party holding one , with the same legal effect .

  29. 不过,这家保险公司预计,当第一轮投标于今天结束时,将只有3家公司提交意向书。

    However , the insurer only expects three expressions of interest to be lodged when first round bids close today .

  30. 有关战略投资者的认购情况应在招股意向书或发行公告中予以披露。

    The subscription results in relation to the strategic investors shall be disclosed in the prospectus or the issuing announcement .