
  • 网络Ravioli;tortellini
  1. 打个比方,如果用户做的是意大利饺子,Foodini会相继“打印”出下层饺子皮、馅料和上层饺子皮。

    If the user is making a recipe for ravioli , for instance , the Foodini prints the bottom layer of dough , the filling and the top dough layer in subsequent steps .

  2. 在奥利里的推荐下,他们首先点了意大利饺子。

    On O'Leary 's recommendation , they started with tortellini

  3. 同时,根据包装袋上面的说明把意大利饺子用开水放在炖锅中煮,或者直到咬起来有嚼劲。

    Meanwhile , cook the tortellini in a large saucepan of boiling water following packet directions or until al dente .

  4. 这顿饭仅仅花了32欧元,他们点的菜中包括罗马犹太人的特色菜油炸洋蓟、鲈鱼洋蓟馅儿的意大利饺子和油炸南瓜花。

    Their bill came to just 32 euros after a lunch consisting of deep-fried artichokes – a Roman Jewish speciality – fried pumpkin flowers and ravioli stuffed with sea bass and artichokes .