
  • 网络low heat value;lhv;Lower heating value;lcv
  1. 低热值燃料稳定燃烧的研究现状与进展

    Research and Development of Stable Combustion Using Low Heat Value Fuel

  2. 两段式固定床低热值煤气站工艺

    A process of low heat value gas with two-stage fixed bed gasifier

  3. 重油制低热值煤气掺混LPG效率的评估

    Estimation of efficiency for heavy oil gasification at low heat calorie gas mixing LPG

  4. 在低热值气体燃料中掺入氢气能够有效降低CO和HC排放,但同时会大幅的增加NOx排放。

    Hydrogen addition can decrease CO and HC emissions effectively , but the amount NOx emission increases obviously meanwhile .

  5. 根据实际情况,通过推导,得出了低热值油煤气掺混LPG的效率计算公式。

    According to actual condition , this paper formularized the efficiency of low calorie oil gas mixed with LPG .

  6. 低热值气体燃料缸内主要污染物NOX、CO的分布具有明显的规律性,甲醛生成量相比常规排放物小两个数量级。

    The normal exhaust emissions like NOX , CO have clear distribution regularity in cylinder . The amount of CH2O is two order of magnitudes lower than that of normal emissions .

  7. 在一沸腾段内径为600mm的V型布风板流化床煤气发生炉内对低热值动力烟煤的气化过程进行了系统的试验研究。

    Experimental study on coal gasification processes is carried out in an industrial fluidized bed gasifier with a V-type distributor and a diameter of 0.6 m in fluidization bed .

  8. 在本示范工程中,新型四喷嘴对置式(OMB)煤气化技术和中低热值合成气燃气轮机改造技术都是第一次进行工业化示范。

    In the pilot plant , the opposed mult-burner ( OMB ) gasifier and the modified gasturbine suitable for medium-low HLV fuel are first introduced .

  9. 对邯钢合理选择燃烧低热值高炉煤气的燃气-蒸汽联合循环发电技术(CCPP)进行了评价,并简要介绍了邯钢引进该项技术的开发与应用。

    It is apprised that the reasonable selection of gas turbine combined cycle power plant firing low heating value blast furnace gas , and introduced that the development & application of the technology in Han-steel .

  10. 低热值高炉煤气应用实践SHL20-2.45/400-AⅡ型燃煤锅炉改燃高炉煤气改造

    The Application of the Blast Furnace Gas of Low Calorific Value

  11. 多灰分低热值煤的能源综合利用

    Comprehensive utilize of low calorific value coal with high ash content

  12. 低热值煤气活性石灰竖窑及其发展前景

    Active lime Shaft-kiln using gas with low calorific value its development

  13. 低热值煤气高温空气燃烧数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of High Temperature Combustion for Low Heat Value Gas

  14. 低热值燃料在钢包高温快速烘烤工艺中的应用

    The Application of Low-Calorific-Value Fuel in High-Temperature Rapid Baking of Ladle

  15. 堆酵&低热值生活垃圾焚烧工艺的重要环节

    Fermentation & Important Process of incinerating living refuse of low calorific value

  16. 燃低热值煤气工业锅炉技术的开发与应用

    Development of Low-heat-value Coal Gas Fired Industrial Boiler Technology and its Application

  17. 低热值燃气轮机单筒燃烧室修复

    Repairing of Single-Cylinder Combustor of Low calorie value Gas Turbine

  18. 低热值矿井气作为城镇燃气的可行性探讨

    Feasibility of Low Calorific Value Mine Drainage Gas Used as Town Gas

  19. 低热值矸石电厂技术经济性浅析

    Cost-effectiveness analysis of low heating value gangue fired power plant

  20. 低热值燃料发电企业发展热电联产的探讨植物热值的测定

    Fuel cell the measurement of calorific values to plant material

  21. 露天边坡的高挥发性、复合薄煤层适合于用地下气化技术生产中、低热值煤气,气化剂不同,其热值不同,用途不同。

    Different gasification agent produces different heat value gas with different use .

  22. 低热值高炉煤气在发电设备中的应用

    Application of Low Heating Value Blast-furnace Gas in Power Unit

  23. 低热值煤气燃烧技术的应用与分析

    The application and analysis of combustion technology of low heat value gas

  24. 低热值劣质无烟煤循环流化床锅炉的设计

    Design of CFB Boiler for Low Heating Value Inferior Anthracite

  25. 低热值煤炭地下气化煤气的应用研究

    The application study on low calorific gases from underground coal

  26. 低热值气体燃料发动机燃烧特性试验研究

    Experimental Study on Combustion Characteristics of a Lower-Heat-Value Gas Engine

  27. 低热值煤气预热后直接用于加热炉燃烧的研究

    Research on Low Quantity of Heat Gas Directly Applied in Heating Furance

  28. 低热值燃料对微型燃气轮机运行特性的影响

    Influence of Low-heating-value Fuels on the Operating Characteristics of a Miniature Gas Turbine

  29. 低热值土焦在5t/h冲天炉中的应用

    Application of the Low Heat Value Cokes in 5t / h Cupola Melting

  30. 燃用超低热值燃料的燃气轮机及其热力分析

    A Super-low heating-value-fuel-fired Gas Turbine and Its Thermodynamic Analysis