
dī dàng shāng pǐn
  • low-grade goods;cheap goods
  1. 菠菜是低档商品还是正常商品?

    Is spinach an inferior or a normal good ?

  2. 给中低档商品配上高档包装会过度提高商品的成本,影响产品的销路。

    Matching high-grade packaging for the middle-and-lower grade goods will excessively raise the cost , further influence the sale of the products .

  3. 需求取向的社区服务&上海市浦东新区售后公房及中低档商品房社区服务研究

    Demand-oriented Community Service & Community Service Research on the Sold Public Housing and Middle-and-Low Graded Commercial Residential Building of Pudong New Area of Shanghai

  4. 目前,中国部分城市高档商品住宅供给过剩、经济适用住宅以及中低档商品住宅供给不足的矛盾日益突出。

    Currently , the contradiction of over-supply of luxury housing , inefficient supply of economy housing and middle and low commodity housing in some cities of China is serious .

  5. 很多美国人经营低档商品以增加销量:百货商店的销售增长慢得像蜗牛,这是上次衰退以来闻所未闻的;

    Many Americans are trading down : sales at department stores are increasing at sluggish rates not seen since the last recession , while sales at discount stores are still growing briskly .