
dī ɡōnɡ hào
  • low-power consumption
  1. 低功耗、高效率的便携式电子设备的飞速发展对电源管理IC的性能提出了更高的要求。

    With the fast growing development of low-power consumption and high-efficiency portable electronic products , the performances of power management ICs are improved higher and higher .

  2. 介绍了流量与温度的检测电路及低功耗电路的设计。

    The measurement circuit of flow , the temperature and the circuit of low-power consumption were introduced .

  3. 利用SAW技术实现极低功耗无线数字通信

    Ultra-low Power Comsumption Wireless Digital Communication Using SAW Technology

  4. 基于DSP的低功耗接收机单边带解调方法

    Low Power Receiver Single Sideband Demodulation Based on DSP

  5. 针对目前各种键盘和LED控制驱动芯片功耗大的问题,介绍了一种基于低功耗设计的LED控制驱动及键盘接口模块。

    This paper introduce the keyboard and LED driver based on design of Low Power Consumption .

  6. 基于超窄数据的低功耗数据Cache方案

    A Low Power Data Cache Design Based on Very Narrow-Width Value

  7. 高性能低功耗微控制器IP软核设计综述

    An Overview on the Design of Microcontroller IP Soft Core with High Performance and Low Consume

  8. 基于记录缓冲的低功耗指令Cache方案

    A Low-Power Instruction Cache Design Based on Record Buffer

  9. 一种低功耗、高线性、双正交可调谐CMOS上变频混频器

    A Low-Power , High-Linearity and Double-Quadrature Tunable CMOS Up-Conversion Mixer

  10. 基于分类访问的低功耗联合式cache方案

    Low-power united cache design based on classification access

  11. RFID门禁机的软硬件低功耗协同设计

    Low Power Coordination Design of Rfid Door Access Machine 's Software and Hardware

  12. 稳定低功耗CMOS延时电路

    A Stable , Low - Power CMOS Delay Circuit

  13. SOC时代低功耗设计的研究与进展

    Research and Progress of Low Power Design in SOC Era

  14. 行为逻辑层上的SOC低功耗设计

    Energy Efficient SOC Design Techniques at Behavioral and Logical Level

  15. 低功耗高性能LCD驱动器设计

    Design of Low Power and High Performance LCD Driver

  16. 高性能低功耗带RAM的串行时钟芯片

    The High Property and Low Power Consumption Serial Clock Chip with RAM

  17. 基于标准单元的低功耗FIR数字滤波器VLSI实现

    Low-power VLSI Design of FIR Filter Based on Standard Cell

  18. 系统级CMOS电路的低功耗设计

    System Level Low Power Design in CMOS Circuit

  19. 一种低功耗CMOS分频电路设计技术

    A low power dissipation CMOS divider design technique

  20. 低功耗的可重构数据Cache设计

    Low power reconfigurable data cache design

  21. 无线传感器网络SOC芯片的低功耗设计

    A low-power design of Wireless Sensor Network soc chip

  22. 0.18μMCMOS高速低功耗分接器设计

    0.18 μ m CMOS High-Speed Low-Power Demultiplexer

  23. 在CMOS工艺上进行射频电路设计成为可能,并逐渐成为低功耗、低成本射频集成电路的设计趋势。

    The RF integrated circuits design based on CMOS is possible and became more popular .

  24. 新型高速低功耗CMOS预放大锁存比较器

    A New High-Speed Low-Power CMOS Preamplifier-Latch Comparator

  25. 基于可编程门阵列(FPGA)器件实现了低功耗的高速光互连链路。

    A low power-dissipation gigabit-per-second optical interconnection data link was realized using field programmable gate array ( FPGA ) .

  26. 异步VLSI电路的低功耗技术研究

    The Research of the Low - Power Technology Using Asynchronous VLSI Circuits

  27. 采用0.6μMCMOS工艺设计了一种低压低功耗的运算放大器。

    A low-voltage and low-power CMOS op-amp was designed using a 0.6 μ m CMOS process .

  28. 低频、低功耗CMOSLNA的设计优化技术

    Low frequency and low power CMOS LNA design optimization techniques

  29. 重点分析了芯片的可测性设计(DFT)、内嵌FLASH设计、低功耗设计。

    Particularly the testability , embedded Flash memory control and low power design are discussed in detail .

  30. 选择低功耗MCU

    Choosing a Low Power MCU