
  • 网络Low strain detection;low strain integrity testing
  1. 从低应变检测结果分析扬州地区基桩常见质量问题

    An Analysis of Foundation Pile Quality in Yangzhou Area Based on the Low Strain Integrity Testing Result

  2. 反褶积在桩基低应变检测中的应用分析

    The Application of Deconvolution in Low Strain Integrity Testing of the Pile

  3. 低应变检测原理在桩基检测中的应用研究

    Low Strain Testing Theory and Its Practical Applications to Piles Detection

  4. 基桩低应变检测的一些实用技术

    Some Practical Techniques for Low Strain Dynamic Testing of Piles

  5. 低应变检测基桩扩径现象

    Low strain dynamic testing of piles on inspecting diameter - expanding piles

  6. 大直径水下灌注桩完整性低应变检测

    Low strain detection of integrity of long-diameter underwater cast-in-situ piles

  7. 利用低应变检测曲线判断桩基质量

    Diagnoses on Quality of Pile Foundation With Detection Curve of Low Strain

  8. 复合载体夯扩桩的低应变检测

    Low Strain Check and Measure for Compacted Expanding Piles with Composite Carrier

  9. 钻孔抽芯和孔内录像验证低应变检测方法

    Verification of Test Results with Low-strain Method by Coring and Video Monitoring through the Hole

  10. 桩侧土层突变对低应变检测信号影响的探讨

    Study on the pile soil layers resistance mutations impact on the low strain detection signal

  11. 低应变检测技术探讨

    Research on Low Strain Testing Technology

  12. 桩基低应变检测,能检测出桩身的质量缺陷,避免工程质量隐患。

    Low-alteration test on pile can find its defects , avoid construction 's quality hidden troubles .

  13. 低应变检测桩身完整性浅部虚假缺陷现象探讨

    On the sham shortcoming phenomenon of the low strain test on the completeness of piles with the shallow parts

  14. 机械阻抗法是一种以频域分析为主的低应变检测方法。

    The mechanical impedance method is one of the low strain testing methods mainly based on frequency domain analysis .

  15. 本文从五个方面详细介绍了低应变检测技术中的一些常见问题:低应变检测的理论基础;

    In this article , five aspect 's problem was discussion , including theoretical base of Low strain integrity testing ;

  16. 反褶积对桩基础低应变检测适用范围的验证

    Application of uniform design method for determining the applicable scope of deconvolution in low strain integrity testing of pile foundation

  17. 采用抗混滤波器的检测仪与普通滤波器检测仪进行桩基低应变检测时,得到的波形不尽相同。

    Different wave shapes can be acquired in pile foundation with small strain by means of different types of instruments for detecting .

  18. 结合实际工程对如何利用高、低应变检测方法来提高桩基的质量检测评定的可靠性进行了探讨。

    The reliability of improvement bearing capacity for pile foundation by testing is studied by means of high and low strain dynamic testing .

  19. 现行的基桩低应变检测规程,在反射波法一节中对于浅部缺陷定义不明确,且判别方法对于非科研性生产单位来讲难以掌握和实施。

    The current specification for low strain dynamic testing of piles gives an unclear definition about shallow defects in the section method of reflection wave .

  20. 基桩低应变检测中传感器的选择及安装技术、激振技术直接关系到测试结果准确与否。

    The choice of sensor and its fixing and shocking technics concern directly the precision of the outcome of the examination pillar bearing with minor strain .

  21. 现浇薄壁管桩低应变检测时,存在桩头三维效应以及平截面假定的适应性问题。

    The three-dimensional effects of pile head and applicability of plane-section assumption are main problems in low strain dynamic tests on cast-in-situ concrete thin-wall pipe piles .

  22. 每台罐基础布桩1467根,经低应变检测优良率达83%以上。

    1467 piles are employed in each foundation . By the low strain test , the percentage of first rate is more than 83 % among the tested piles .

  23. 反射波法是基于时域分析的一种基桩低应变检测方法,因其测试简便、成本低廉、结果直观而被广泛应用于基桩动测。

    Based on time domain analysis , the reflected wave method is widely used in low strain dynamic testing of piles because of its convenient test , low cost and visual results .

  24. 现场静载试验检测和低应变检测结果表明,单桩承载力满足设计要求,桩身完整,其混凝土强度达到了设计值,可满足工程需要。

    The static load test in-situ and low-strain detection show that the bearing capacity of single pile meets design demand ; pile integrity is good ; concrete strength of pile reaches design value .

  25. 根据基桩低应变检测的基本原理,对于大型模拟缺陷桩低应变反射波法曲线进行了分析,以便在解释反射波法曲线时作为借鉴,提高基桩质量检测的可靠度。

    According to the basic theory of pile low strain testing , this paper analyzes the wave shape curves of the low strain reflective wave method for model piles in order to increase the reliability of the pile quality test .

  26. 论述了人工挖孔灌注桩应用中的质量控制和安全管理措施,经过具体工程的实际应用,达到了预期效果,通过桩的高应变、低应变检测,均满足了设计要求。

    It discusses quality control and security management in application of pore-forming by hand pouring pile , combined with practical application of specific engineering , it achieves expected effect and meets design requirement through high strain ? low strain test of pile .

  27. 本文通过低应变检测及分析过程中影响检测信度方面的问题,在传感器的选择、振源的选择、传感器的安装及频域分析等方面的具体影响,阐述了处理这些问题的一些体会。

    This paper discusses factors that influence the test reliability like selection of sensors and vibration focus , installation of sensors and frequency domain analysis in low strain test and analysis process and makes an exposition of the author 's understating on their respective treatment .

  28. PHC桩低应变动力检测中若干问题的探讨

    Discussion on Some Problems in Low Strain Dynamic Test of PHC Piles

  29. PRT低应变仪检测桩基的结构完整性

    Inspecting the structural integrity of foundation using the PRT low strain gauge

  30. 灌桩后,经过低应变动力检测,发现桩身25m处有质量缺陷。

    Low strain dynamic test found the pile defected at the depth of 25 meter .