
zhài quàn jiāo yì
  • bond exchange
  1. 摩根士丹利在债券交易方面落后于高盛(GoldmanSachs)和摩根大通(JPMorganChase)。

    Morgan has trailed Goldman Sachs ( GS ) and JPMorgan Chase ( JPM ) in debt trading .

  2. 2007年,《财富》杂志(FORTUNE)曾发表了一篇报道,详细分析了2006年高盛承销的一宗4940亿美元抵押贷款债券交易,但是这笔交易令投资者蒙受了巨大损失。

    In 2007 , fortune wrote a story dissecting one $ 494 billion mortgage bond Goldman underwrote in 2006 in which investors had suffered heavy losses .

  3. 周二,高盛(GoldmanSachs)公告称,美国证券交易委员会(SecuritiesandExchangeCommission,简称SEC)正在考虑对其提起诉讼,指控它在2006年底的一宗次级抵押贷款债券交易中存在不当行为。

    Goldman Sachs said on Tuesday that the securities and Exchange Commission is considering filing charges against the bank for its role in a late 2006 subprime mortgage bond .

  4. 摩根大通(JPMorgan)于今年早些时候支付了1.54亿美元,以了结与一宗问题抵押贷款债券交易相关的民事指控。

    JP Morgan ( JPM ) paid $ 154 million earlier this year to settle civil charges related to a bad mortgage bond deal .

  5. 例如,贝莱德正试图在自己的客户群体中撮合债券交易的买方和买方,让他们通过贝莱德自有的阿拉丁交易网络(aladdintradingnetwork)完成交易,这种方式使投资者能够绕开华尔街交易商。

    For example , BlackRock is attempting to match buyers and sellers of bonds among its customer base , using its electronic Aladdin trading network , which would allow investors to bypass wall street dealers .

  6. 如果说这一方案起到了什么作用,那就是它强化了一种观点:在主权债券交易中,私营投资者是二等公民,信用违约掉期(CDS)提供不了什么保障。

    If anything , the deal has cemented the view that private investors are second-class when it comes to sovereign debt deals and that credit default swaps offer little protection .

  7. 全球最有价值的公司苹果(Apple)周二发起巨额债券交易,以筹集资金用于其股票回购计划。目前国际债券市场在年初遭遇挑战之后开始重新启动。

    Apple , the most valuable company in the world , launched a multibillion-dollar bond deal on Tuesday to fund its share buyback programme , as international debt markets began to reopen after a challenging start to the year .

  8. 欧洲电子债券交易平台mts提出为对冲基金提供直接渠道时,就引起了银行顾客的强烈抗议。

    When MTS , the European Electronic bond trading platform , proposed offering direct access to hedge funds , it caused an outcry among bank customers .

  9. 这宗受到质疑的DelphinusCDO2007-1债务抵押债券交易当时由瑞穗国际(MizuhoInternational)出面安排,并由特拉华投资公司(DelawareInvestments)担任抵押品管理人。

    The CDO deal in question , known as Delphinus CDO 2007-1 , was arranged by Mizuho international and Delaware investments acted as the collateral manager .

  10. 与复杂的股票债券交易和高成本的主动型基金不同,投资ETF可让投资者高效地对市场进行追踪。

    Instead of the complexities of trading in stocks and bonds , or the expense of actively-managed funds , they can track the market efficiently .

  11. 鉴于短期利率牢牢锁定在接近于零,对美联储(fed)加息的预期远远推迟到2011年,甚至有时是2012年,债券交易活动大多围绕着长期美国国债的表现。

    With short-term rates anchored near zero and expectations for a Fed rate hike being pushed out well into 2011 , and even towards 2012 in some quarters , much of the trading action in bonds centres on the behaviour of long-term Treasuries .

  12. 根据业界的传闻,城堡投资集团(citadel)的老板肯尼斯格里芬(kennethgriffin)在大学宿舍里进行债券交易之后,决定发行一个基金。

    Kenneth Griffin , the boss of citadel , decided to launch a fund after he traded bonds from his college dormitory room , according to industry lore .

  13. 美国国际集团(aig)和花旗集团(citigroup)出售数十亿美元债务的交易,上周引发美国突然出现一轮债券交易高潮,导致美国的企业信贷风险溢价全面上涨,与欧洲的缓和局势形成鲜明对比。

    Multi-billion dollar debt sales from AIG and Citigroup led a sudden wave of US bond deals last week that lifted corporate credit risk premiums across the market in contrast to an improving picture in Europe .

  14. 新进入者也希望建立自己的平台与银行竞争,如美国资产管理公司贝莱德(blackrock)计划推出其aladdin电子债券交易服务。

    New entrants are also seeking to create their own platforms to compete with banks , with us money manager BlackRock planning to offer its own electronic bond trading service called Aladdin .

  15. 1998年长期资本管理基金(LTCM)破产后,债券交易策略开始变得臭名昭著,如今只有少数几家基金仍在使用这种策略,Barnegat便是其中之一。

    The Barnegat fund is one of only a handful of funds still in existence that use the bond trading strategy made infamous by the collapse of Long Term Capital Management in 1998 .

  16. 债券交易人将央行购买债券之举视为纯粹的利好因素。

    Bond traders regard central bank bond purchases as an unalloyed positive .

  17. 应计利息要加到债券交易合同价格中。

    Accrued interest is added to the contract price of a bond transaction .

  18. 从理论上讲,债券交易成本不应该高于股权的交易成本。

    In theory bonds should be no more expensive to trade than equities .

  19. 市场震荡也影响到公司的债券交易和投资银行业务.

    Market volatility also affected the bank 's bond trading and investment banking businesses .

  20. 另一方面,进行个人股票,债券交易可能花费很大。

    On the other hand , trading individual stocks and bonds can be costly .

  21. 缺乏活跃的债券交易的市场是一个不完整的证券市场。

    A Securities market im-balanced in stocks and bonds is not a mature one .

  22. 在台湾和印度,免费竞标债券交易的做法并不鲜见。

    It is not unusual to pitch for bond deals in Taiwan and India gratis .

  23. 第二季度债券交易利润下降62%至2.22亿美元。

    Profits from debt trading fell 62 % in the quarter to $ 222 million .

  24. 2004年7月,花旗欧洲政府债券交易部门面临增加盈利的压力。

    In July 2004 the European government bond desk was under pressure to increase profits .

  25. 方便跨境债券交易进行货银两讫结算,藉以减少跨境债券买卖的结算风险。

    To reduce settlement risk of cross-border securities trade by facilitating DVP settlement for cross-border securities transactions .

  26. 与公司股权相比,有关债券交易价格的信息还很缺乏。

    In contrast to equities , information on the price of dealing in bonds has been scarce .

  27. 贝尔斯登作为一家经营债券交易的公司而起家,它不在乎别人怎样看待自己。

    It grew up as a scrappy bond-trading firm that did not care about how others regarded it .

  28. 这是多数银行整个债券交易业务中增长最快且盈利最为丰厚的领域。

    It was the fastest growing and most lucrative area of most banks ' entire bond trading operations .

  29. 在今年年末基金管理者平仓后,债券交易明显减少。

    Bond trading typically tapers off at the end of the year as fund managers close out their positions .

  30. 它还帮助蒙古升级了交易系统,向马来西亚输出了其先进的债券交易系统。

    It has also helped Mongolia upgrade its trading system and exported its advanced bond trading system to Malaysia .