
  • 网络Collective Asset Management;CSAM
  1. 随着集合资产管理计划规模的扩大化、种类的多元化,对其进行全面、客观和科学的评价就成为整个集合资产管理计划行业发展的重要环节。

    With its expansion and diversification , a comprehensive , objective and scientific evaluation became an important part of the development of the industry .

  2. 但是目前我国理论和实务界对于集合资产管理计划的绩效评价还处于起步阶段,远未形成完整和权威的评价体系。

    However , at present the theory and practice of CIS performance evaluation is still in its initial stage and far from forming a complete and authoritative evaluation system .

  3. 本文分析了集合资产管理计划的运作情况,从种类、产品特点、操作手段、运作效果等各方面进行综合对比分析。

    This paper analyzes the operation of the collection asset management plans , From the category , product features , operating methods , operating results and other aspects of a comprehensive comparative analysis .

  4. 按照有关法律法规、基金合同和集合资产管理合同的规定以受托人名义或其指定的代理人名义登记资产;

    Registering the assets in the name of the custodian or the designated agent in accordance with related laws , regulations , as well as the fund contract or the asset pool management contract ;

  5. 在经历了初期的探索后,作为一种新型的金融理财产品,集合资产管理计划以其专业管理、灵活配置、分散风险、绩效激励的特点,在竞争激烈的市场中迅速获得了投资者的认可。

    After the initial exploration , as a new type of financial planning product , Collective Investment Scheme ( CIS ) quickly gained recognition from the investors in a highly competitive market for its professional management , flexible configuration , risk diversification and performance incentive .

  6. 集合了资产管理、关键服务器性能管理、行为管理、软件分发、漏洞扫描等功能,并且把它们有机的结合在了一起。

    Our system has integrated lots of functions models , such as assets management , server performance management , behavior management , software distribute , systematic loophole detect , etc.

  7. 第一部分主要讨论了集合资金信托业务的概念和法理分析为基础,并与类似的证券投资基金制度、证券公司集合客户资产管理业务作了比较。

    In the first part , the text mainly discusses the concept and nomological elements of collective money trust and it makes comparison with similar business as mutual fund and collective assets management .