
  1. 赋予强制执行效力的公证债权文书执行问题刍议公证人出具的拒付证书

    Talking on the Enforcement of the Notarial Creditor s Rights Document Possessing Obligatory Execution Force ; notarial protest certificate

  2. 通过公证赋予符合一定条件的债权文书以强制执行效力是公证机构的一项特殊职能。

    Giving the enforceability to the obligatory right documents which meet certain conditions by notarization is a special function of the Notary Public .

  3. 我国并购法规中的基础性规定及其检讨&公司法和证券法上的视角公证债权文书确有错误的,人民法院裁定不予执行,并将裁定书送达双方当事人和公证机关。

    Elementary Regulation and Review on China 's M & A Laws and Regulations If a definite error is found in the notary document , the people 's court shall refuse to execute it and inform the litigants of both parties and the notary public of the ruling .