
  • 网络co-ownership;communal relationship
  1. 农村集体土地所有权关系在本质上是一种特殊的共同共有关系,是体现农民集体共同利益的民事权利。

    As a kind of co-ownership , the Rural Collective Land Ownership embodies the benefit of farmer collectivity .

  2. 权利的行使以财产共有关系存在为前提,受“同等条件”的限制。

    The implementation of this right is based on the premise of the existence of a property co-ownership and is confined by " equal condition " .

  3. 一种农村集体共同共有关系中对农村土地的利用与管理的分管契约。

    First of all , the Rural Collective Land Ownership is a civil right , which is adjusted by civil law .

  4. 每个区分所有权人之间,不再是简单的财产共有关系,而是相互依存、相互协助的共同生活关系。

    Between each discrimination owner , no longer is the simple property altogether has the relations , but mutually depends on each other common life relations which , assists mutually .

  5. 本文通过对这两部分财产的法律性质进行分析,认为合伙企业财产既有共有关系,又有共用关系。

    By analyzing the law attribute of the two parts of poverty , the paper reveals that the poverty of partnership firm exists the relation of co-ownership and of joint use .

  6. 研究结论:农村土地产权制度创新的基础是明确国家(政府)与农户(农民)对土地的共有关系,界定土地直接产权与间接产权的内容及其行使方式。

    In conclusion , the innovative basis of rural land property rights is to determine the co-relationships between government and farmers on rural land and clearly define the direct and indirect property rights .

  7. 然而现有的基于MPR策略的泛洪算法忽视了转发节点之间所存在的共有邻接关系对结果的影响。

    However , existing MPR-based flooding algorithms neglect the impact of common adjacency relation of relaying nodes .

  8. 著作权共有法律关系初探

    The Research on the Legal Relation of Copyright in Common

  9. 由此,在司法实践中,对在著作权共有法律关系下是否应沿用所有权共有的基本理论与规则存在广泛争议。

    Thereof , under the legal relation of copyright in common , whether should we continue to use the basic theory and rules of ownership in common is the subject of widespread controversy in the judicial practice .

  10. 清代农业中的合伙制存在着多种类型:与租佃制等有关的合伙制、资本与资本的合伙、由共买共有关系转化来的合伙制等。

    The system of agricultural partnership had such types as the partnership system concerning tenancy system , partnership between funds and funds , and the partnership from mutual purchase .

  11. 共有四种非关系数据库管理此系统(NRDBMS):基于列、关键值、图表和基于文档。

    There are four types of non-relational database management systems ( NRDBMSs ): Column based , key-value , graph , and document based .

  12. 船舶共有人之间的关系

    Inner relationship of Joint Owners of a Ship

  13. 写作的最终目的在于,通过对这三种语言的比较研究和分析,运用区别同源词和借词的方法,将三种语言共有词中的关系给予明确定论。

    The final goal of this essay is : by comparing and analyzing Sibe , Uighur and Kazakh , shared words in these three languages can be defined with the method of distinguishing cognates and loan words .

  14. 笔者提出在社会建构主义大框架下用英语语境知识和母语共有知识的互动关系来组织基础英语教学,为全面提高学生英语水平打下坚实基础。

    This article tries to put forward the interaction between them with the framework of social constructivist approach in basic English teaching for the freshmen of English majors which lays a foundation for their overall improvement of English .

  15. 建筑物区分所有权应由专有部分所有权、共用部分共有权、基于相邻或共有关系而产生的权利与义务关系三要素构成;

    The building ownership is composed of " three parts ": the exclusive ownership of the particular part , the ownership of the common part , and the right and obligation relationship based on the neighbor or common estate .

  16. 传统观念认为,共有人优先购买权是共有人基于共有关系所产生的,在一定条件下,根据法律规定而享有的优先于第三人购买共有份额或者共有物的权利。

    The preemption right of the part owner comes from the common relationship , which the part owner has the priority to buy proportion in common or community property over third party according to the law in traditional view .

  17. 所谓共有人优先购买权的对内效力,是指依据法律规定,在共有关系中,出卖人与优先购买权人所拥有的权利和承担的义务。

    The internal validity of the preemption right of the part owner means the rights and obligations of the seller and the preemption claimant what formulate in the legal system .

  18. 农村集体土地所有权是一种特殊的共同共有,农村集体土地使用权具有自物权性质,而土地承包经营合同是一种农村集体共同共有关系中对农村土地的利用与管理的分管契约。

    The rural land ownership is a special form of co-ownership , and the rural usufruct has the nature of self-use property right . The rural land management contract is a respective management contract that makes the rights clear between the co-owners when they use and manage the rural land .