
  1. 去年,有两个孩子的妈妈妮可告诉意大利报纸《共和国报》她绝不会做整容手术。

    Last year , the mum-of-two told Italian newspaper La Repubblica she would never have surgery .

  2. 阿卡育雷克在《共和国报》上写道,他称艾尔段为「鄂图曼共和国的宰相」。

    " wrote Cuneyt Arcayurek in Cumhuriyet , calling Erdogan the " Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Republic .

  3. 他在接受《共和国报》采访时作出了上述表态。《共和国报》是意大利的一份左倾报纸,曾多次要求老贝因性丑闻辞职。

    He made the remarks to La Repubblica , a Left-leaning national newspaper that has repeatedly called for his resignation over the prostitution scandal .