
ɡònɡ tónɡ qīn quán
  • joint tort;contributory infringement
  1. 如何解决间接侵权问题和共同侵权问题?

    How to solve the indirect infringement and the contributory infringement problem ?

  2. 论文系统的讨论了间接侵权的三种形态,适用于间接侵权的原则,直接侵权与间接侵权的关系及间接侵权与共同侵权的不同点。

    The article discusses about the three forms of indirect infringement , principles applicable for indirect infringement , relationship between direct and indirect infringement and difference between indirect and contributory infringement .

  3. 浅论环境共同侵权行为的构成要件及实现机制

    On the factors and realization system of the environmental infringement action

  4. 民事共同侵权与刑事共同侵权及其责任承担

    Civil Joint Tort and Criminal Joint Infringement with Their Responsibilities

  5. 浅析共同侵权行为认定中的几个特殊问题

    Analysis of Some Special Problems About Identification of Joint Tort

  6. 因此,研究共同侵权行为就显得十分必要。

    So it is very necessary to research joint torts .

  7. 共同侵权行为人对受害人的连带赔偿责任

    The Joint Indemnity of the Co-Tortfeasors to the Aggrieved Parties

  8. 我国证券欺诈共同侵权民事责任研究

    Study on Civil Liability of Joint Tort on Securities Fraud in China

  9. 共同侵权行为制度若干问题研究

    Research on Several Issues of the Joint Tort System

  10. 第三部分阐述共同侵权行为与损害结果的因果关系。

    The third part describes the results of joint tort causation and damage .

  11. 环境共同侵权民事责任的再思考

    Further Reflection on the Environmental Joint Tort Civil Obligation

  12. 共同侵权行为的法理基础和类型化分析

    The Jurisprudential Basis of the Tortious Conduct in Common and Analysis of Categorization

  13. 从侵权法的一般原理,共同侵权应当是出于共同故意。

    Based on the principle of infringement law , joint tort should have co-intentionally .

  14. 共同侵权责任制度在未来的发展还存在很多未知数。

    The common tort liability system in the future development is still many unknowns .

  15. 学界对共同侵权行为的构成要件尚无明确、统一的定论。

    Academic violations of the constituent elements together are not clear , unified conclusion .

  16. 共同侵权的本质属性是规定共同侵权责任的归责依据。

    The essential attribute of joint torts provides a common basis for tort liability .

  17. 共同侵权制度的功能定位

    Functional Localization of the System of Joint Tort

  18. 共同侵权行为构成理论的发展,是随归责原则的发展变化而来。

    Common violations constitute a theoretical development is the evolution of attribution principles come .

  19. 第二部分:对共同侵权主观要件的比较法分析。

    The second part : the comparison analysis of the subjective item in joint-torts duty .

  20. 在此基础上,提出了完善和重构共同侵权诉讼形态的建议。

    On this basis , the proposed improvement and remodeling proposal forms joint tort litigation .

  21. 第二部分,从共同侵权行为概念的外延和内涵两个方面分析。

    The second part analyzes the extension and intension of joint act of tort concept .

  22. 其原因在于对共同侵权责任的本质及构成要件的认识各异。

    The reason is that understanding of the nature and composition of joint tort vary .

  23. 论准共同侵权行为

    On the Quasi Joint Act of Tort

  24. 共同侵权行为及其责任的侵权责任法立法抉择

    The Legislative Choice of Tort Law about the Joint Act of Tort and its Liability

  25. 环境共同侵权民事责任问题研究

    Study on Environmental Common Tort Civil Liability

  26. 首先,关于共同侵权和间接侵权的关系进行探讨。

    First of all , the differences between common infringement and indirect infringement are elaborated .

  27. 共同侵权民事责任的新发展

    The New Development of Joint Tort Liability

  28. 第三部分:我国共同侵权主观要件的选择。

    The third part : the choice of the subjective item in joint - torts duty .

  29. 通过对共同侵权制度的历史沿革、概念演变、以及责任形态的分析。

    Through the study on the history , concept and the liability form of joint tort .

  30. 狭义的共同侵权行为包括共同故意的共同侵权行为和共同过失的共同侵权行为两种。

    The narrow sense of joint torts includes conspire joint torts and joint fault joint torts .