
ɡònɡ tónɡ zhài quán
  • joint credit
  1. 在欧盟发行欧洲共同项目债权为基础设施建设融资;向欧洲投资银行(eib)注资,将欧盟地区基金的重点转向就业。

    In the EU he wants common European project bonds to finance infrastructure , a capital injection for the European Investment Bank ( EIB ) and a redirection of EU regional funds towards jobs .

  2. 在那些立法比较发达的国家,不仅明确赋予了抵押权人自由选择受偿的权利,以及对涉及共同抵押的债权双方利益保护方面也进行了明确的准则规定和司法解释完善。

    In the more developed countries , legislative , not only clearly gives the mortgagee the right to freedom of choice , as well as claims involving the common interests of both mortgage protection also provided clear guidelines and judicial interpretation of perfection .