
  • 网络owners’ committee;owner committee
  1. 业主委员会法律地位初探

    The Probe on the Legal Status of Realty Owners Committee

  2. 业主委员会选举具有很强的法律性、规范性。

    Owners committee election has a strong legal , normative .

  3. 缺乏对业主委员会监督的细则规定等。

    The lack of detailed rules of supervising house-owner committee , etc.

  4. 业主委员会运作制度研究

    Studies on the Operating System of the Committee of House-Owners

  5. 对我国现行业主委员会制度的初探

    A Preliminary Study of Current House-owner Committee System in China

  6. 业主委员会一天没投票,你就无权开业。

    Until the homeowners association votes , you don 't your project .

  7. 业主委员会规范化运作机制探析

    Ascertainment about the Standardized Operation Mechanism of Owners ' Committee

  8. 业主委员会的法律地位研究

    Study on the Legal Status of the Committee of House - owners

  9. 听取和审查业主委员会的工作报告;

    Hearing and reviewing the working report of the proprietors'committee ;

  10. 论业主委员会制度

    Discussion on the System of House - owner Committee

  11. 我国业主委员会诉讼主体资格问题解决之路探寻

    Solution Exploration to Problems on Suit Qualification of Owners ' Committee in China

  12. 试析业主委员会的性质及其法律地位

    On the Nature of the Commission and the Owners of the Legal Status

  13. 首先对业主委员会及行政指导的概念进行分析。

    Firstly , analyze the concept of owners ' committee and administrative guidance .

  14. 业主委员会应该享有独立诉讼主体地位;

    That the owners committee should have the position of subject of litigation ;

  15. 业主委员会的主体资格分析

    Main body qualification analysis of owner 's committee

  16. 本文针对业主委员会的法律主体地位问题展开了研究。

    In this paper the legal status of Owners Committee launched a research problem .

  17. 业主委员会的本质的自治属性决定其制度推广的现实意义。

    The nature of owners committees determines their property system to promote practical significance .

  18. 业主委员会诉讼主体地位研究

    The Owner Committee 's Principal Status in Litigation

  19. 我国《物业管理条例》将业主委员会界定为业主大会的执行机构。

    " Owners committee " is defined as the executive body of owners mass meeting .

  20. 第一部分:阐述业主委员会与现代物业管理的产生。

    The first section is about the proprietor committee and the real estate management system .

  21. 业主委员会的法律地位分析

    On the Legal Position of Owners Committee

  22. 业主委员会存在的物权法基础是建筑物区分所有权。

    The owner committee exists on the laws foundation of the building discrimination property rights .

  23. 物业服务企业与业主委员会、社区居委会之间到底存在什么样的关系?

    What kind of relationship between property service enterprises and owners committee , community committees ?

  24. 因此,明定业主委员会的法律地位具有重要意义。

    Therefore , the Commission specify the legal status of the owners of great significance .

  25. 业主委员会尚不具有独立民事主体资格;

    That the owners committee does not have the qualification of independent subject of the civil .

  26. 物业可以聘请物业管理公司管理,也可以由业主委员会自我管理。

    Real estates can either be managed by property management companies or by owner 's committee .

  27. 业主委员会诉讼主体资格探讨

    The Litigation Qualification of Proprietor Committee

  28. 总体而言,业主委员会制度包括两个方面:内部管理和外部环境。

    Overall , the Owners committee system includes two aspects : internal management and external environment .

  29. 国内民众可以真正做的一件事就是组成自己的业主委员会。

    One thing civil people can really do is to form their own'home owner organization ' .

  30. 第四,业主委员会组织的议事规则规定的可操作性差;

    The fourth , the procedure rules of house-owner committee is difficult to put into practice .