
  1. 社区卫生服务中心业务骨干导师制培养方案研究

    Tutorial System Training Scheme of Core members in Communality Health Service Center

  2. 这个年龄段的中年人大多数是各单位的业务骨干。

    These middle-aged people are generally the important professionals of their companies .

  3. 采用长期激励措施以实现对高管人员和核心业务骨干的吸引和稳定。

    Using long-term incentive measures to achieve senior managers and core employees stability .

  4. 业务骨干多来自中国科学院上海分院系统。

    The main exployees of Jiuhe come from Shanghai brance , Chinese Academy of sciences .

  5. 项目组成员包括从各地市抽调的相关专业的业务骨干以及系统设计公司的有关专业人员。

    The member of the project team come from all over the city related to the professional backbone of the business and system design related professionals .

  6. 目的了解县级妇产科业务骨干对普遍性防护原则的知识、态度和行为以及职业暴露和防护情况。

    Objective To investigate the knowledge , attitudes , and practice towards universal precautions and frequency of occupational exposure among the county level key obstetricians-gynecologists in Anhui province .

  7. 结论安徽省医学研究生课程进修班学员主要是30-40岁之间的业务骨干;

    Conclusions : Most of the trainees in the class of graduate course for advanced medical workers in Anhui Province are key workforces aged between 30 and 40 ;

  8. 结果34位进修护士出科考试全部达良好以上,其中优秀率82%,有5人已竞聘护士长岗位,其余均为所在单位的护理业务骨干。

    Results 82 % of the 34 advanced training nurses got excellent achievement in the exams . Five of them won in the post competition of head nurse , and the rest of them became the key nurses in their own hospitals .

  9. 无论是经验论、学历论、形象论的管理者,都希望创新团队中的每个员工都是业务骨干,拿过来都能独挡一面,这样创新成果就会蒸蒸日上。

    Both in experience theory , education theory and image theory , manages would like each member in team innovation are the backbone of the business , when be took over , they can work independently , so that innovation will be flourishing .

  10. 随着中国电信收购CDMA移动业务以及骨干信令网的集中监控维护,对信令网的安全性以及维护的高效性要求越来越高,信令网络管理的任务也越来越繁重。

    As long as China Telecom acquiring CDMA mobile services , especially the main service of the centralized monitoring of signaling network maintenance , the requirement of network security and high maintenance efficiency of signaling have become increasingly high , signaling network management tasks have become increasingly heavy .

  11. 铁通宽带多业务数据骨干网简介

    CRC 's Broadband Multi - service Data Network

  12. 随着哈尔滨银行不断地发展,对企业文化的建立、员工的培养提高、新业务的引入、骨干的选拔等工作的规范性上逐渐显露出培训工作滞后于企业发展。

    With the continuous development of Harbin Bank , the normalizations of enterprise culture , establishment of personnel training , introduction of new business and selection of backbone , are gradually revealing that the training falls behind the enterprise development .