
  • 网络Paris Sorbonne;Paris-Sorbonne University
  1. 据科技门户网站Phys.org报道,进行此项研究的巴黎第四大学的塞瓦格·卡特西雍博士将在伦敦的身体形象大会上介绍研究成果:如果女性求职者在简历上使用穿低胸装的照片,她们获得面试的机会就会提高19倍。

    The study , conducted by Dr. Sevag Kertechian of Paris-Sorbonne University and set to be presented at the Appearance Matters Conference in London , found that female job applicants were 19 times more successful in securing an interview if they wore a low-cut top in the required application photo , according to Phys.org .