
shǒu juàn
  • handkerchief
手绢 [shǒu juàn]
  • [handkerchief] 方形小块织物,用来擦汗或擦鼻涕等

手绢[shǒu juàn]
  1. 他拿出手绢来擦额头上的汗水。

    He took out a handkerchief to mop his brow .

  2. 他用手绢捂住鼻子。

    He pressed a handkerchief to his nose .

  3. 他用手绢揩拭眼镜。

    He polished his glasses with a handkerchief .

  4. 这条手绢镶着网眼花边。

    The handkerchief is edged with lace .

  5. 布莱克把手绢包在话筒上,以使自己的声音听起来模糊不清。

    Blake held his handkerchief over the mouthpiece to muffle his voice

  6. 她姐姐再也控制不住自己的情绪,捂着手绢呜咽起来。

    Her sister broke down , sobbing into her handkerchief .

  7. 她用手绢将流血的手掌包扎起来。

    She wrapped a handkerchief around her bleeding palm

  8. “你刚才找的是不是这个?”布拉德利掏出那块手绢。

    ' Is this what you were looking for ? ' Bradley produced the handkerchief

  9. 布兰德用手绢把它包好,放到自己夹克的内兜里。

    Brand folded it in his handkerchief and placed it in the inside pocket of his jacket

  10. 她手里搓弄着手绢,一言不发。

    She sat twiddling her handkerchief , saying not a word .

  11. 这块手绢是麻的。

    This handkerchief is linen .

  12. 她一边哭一边用手绢轻按眼睛。

    She was crying and dabbing at her eyes with a handkerchief .

  13. 然后他拿一块有红方格子的手绢擦着额头。

    Then he mopped his forehead with a handkerchief decorated with red squares .

  14. 记住明天把手绢带来。

    Please remember to bring your handkerchief tomorrow .

  15. 我每天都带手绢。

    I bring a handkerchief everyday .

  16. 还有镶法国花边的手绢,

    And the handkerchief of French lace

  17. 他们挥舞着手绢已经有半小时了。

    They 've been waving handkirchiefs for the last half hour .

  18. 老人在口袋里掏手绢。

    The old man fished in his pocket for his handkerchief .

  19. 掉落的手绢一定会闷死你。

    Drop a handkerchief and it will return to smother you .

  20. 她注意到她怎样地绞着、扯着自己的手绢。

    He noticed how she twisted and pulled at her handkerchief .

  21. 把手绢收起来&别在我跟前一把鼻涕一把泪的。

    Put your handkerchief away & don 't snivel before me .

  22. 我丢了一块兰色花边的白手绢。

    I lost a withe handkerchief with a blue border .

  23. 他拿一块旧布当作手绢用。

    Instead of a handkerchief he had an old rag .

  24. 手绢在东北秧歌教学中的价值与意义

    Value and Significance of Props Handkerchief in Northeast Yangko Teaching

  25. 我丢失了一块带蓝色花边的白手绢。

    I lost a white handkerchief with a blue border .

  26. 招待员从裤子口袋里掏出一块手绢。

    The waiter took a handkerchief from his trouser pocket .

  27. 她掏出细亚麻手绢,揩丈夫的西装背心。

    And taking out her cambric handkerchief she wiped her husband 's waistcoat .

  28. 我妈妈说过一个人的性格和手绢应该都是完美的。

    My mother says that one 's character and kerchief should be immaculate .

  29. 果皮发亮,想必是用抹布或手绢擦的。

    Shiny peels : polishes them up with a rag or a handkerchief .

  30. 用…裹她用手绢将流血的手掌包扎起来。

    She wrapped a handkerchief around her bleeding palm .