
  • 网络Human Resources Office;Office of Human Resources
  1. 每月汇报考勤给人力资源办公室,不得有误或延迟。

    Prepare attendance reports for office each month without delay or mistake .

  2. 你能在星期二的9点半到人力资源办公室来吗?

    Can you come to the Human Resources Office on Thursday at 9:30 am ?

  3. 人力资源办公室在哪里?

    Where is the Human Resources Office ?

  4. 尽管在人力资源管理办公室(OfficeofPersonnelManagement)的批准下,如果没有合格的公民,政府机构也可以雇用非美国公民,但这类人只能获得编外任命。

    And although with Office of Personnel Management approval , agencies are permitted to hire non-citizens when there are no qualified citizens available , such people may only be given an excepted appointment .

  5. 创建用于人力资源管理、办公室行政管理、人员管理、职员组织、人力管理和管理结构的雇员图表。

    Create diagrams of employees for human resources management , office administration , personnel management , staff organization , workforce management , and management structure .