
  • 网络administrative policy
  1. 具体表现在具有完善的基地认定办法、主管部门制度、地区行政政策、管理体制和制度。

    The specific performance of the base is the perfect of the evaluation method , the competent departments of the system , the area administrative policy , and management system .

  2. 这些问题可以通过立法与行政解释、行政政策等方法来进一步弥补、解决。

    They can be dealt with by legislation , administrative interpretation , and administrative policy and so on .

  3. 传达公司行政政策和办事程序;

    Cascading company administrative policies and procedures .

  4. 本学院立志争取最佳的公共政策教育,并推广良好的统治与公共行政政策。

    The School aims to achieve excellence in public policy education and promote good governance and public administration .

  5. 财务管理和行政政策司此外,有执政官和其它官员掌管各行政部门和司法事务。

    Financial Management and Administrative Polity Division archons and other officials managed the various departments of administration and justice .

  6. 论述了公共交通优先发展的政策体系包括的三个方面:行政政策、市场政策和技术政策,并应结合国情、市情,在各城市具体选择实施时,做到具体问题具体分析。

    The policy for priority development of public transport , including administrative , market and technical aspects are expounded .

  7. 最近几年,有关政府部门不断尝试利用短期行政政策来抑制高涨的房价。

    In recent years , the authorities have tried to use short-term administrative policies to try to control rising housing prices .

  8. 完善法律法规及行政政策,制定一系列的优惠政策来促进污水处理厂的建设发展。

    Perfect the law and regulations as well as administration policy , found a series of preferential policy , in order to promote the construction and development .

  9. 根据我国二元经济转轨时期欠发达地区农产的投资需求下降这一观点,分析了支持农业的财政政策、货币政策和法律行政政策等对农户农业投资需求的影响。

    According to the view proved , it is possible to understand the effect of government 's finance , monetary , law and administration policies that protect agriculture .

  10. 布什坚称在保卫本土免受恐怖主义袭击问题上,他施政正确。尽管批评家们认为个人自由因此被迫向行政政策做出妥协。

    Bush was steadfast that his administration did the right things in protecting the homeland from terrorists , even though critics said individual freedoms were compromised by administration policies .

  11. 以两会精神为指导进一步完善司法行政政策

    With the Spirit of the " National People 's Congress ( NPC )" and the " China People 's Political Consultative Conference ( CPPCC )" as the Guidance to Further Perfect the Policy relating to Judicial Administration

  12. 在进一步完善行政政策、法律制度和网络道德体系之后,营造一个全新的自由、公平的网络世界是完全可能的。

    It is absolutely possible to create a wholly new network world full of freedom and justification , if the corresponding departments gradually make efforts to consummate the administration politics , the law system and the network morality .

  13. 我国股票市场是在计划经济向市场经济转化的过程中产生的,是一种行政政策催化的人造市场,是不完全意义上的市场,存在着许多制度性缺陷。

    The stock market of China came into being in the transition of economic system from central planning to market economy . It is somewhat a policy-driven artificial market with many institutional defects , rather a real market .

  14. 目前,监督职能主要由管理和预算办公室实施,该办公室系统地审议检查提议中的“主要规则”以决定那些规则是否值得投资及能否与行政政策保持一致。

    At present the oversight function is exercised primarily by the office of management and budget , which engages in systematic scrutiny of proposed " major rules " to determine whether they are cost justified and consistent with administration policy .

  15. 对中国环境政策的基本特征进行分析,从环境经济政策、环境技术政策、环境社会政策、环境行政政策、国际环境政策探讨了中国环境政策的体系结构。

    The basic characterisitic of Chinese environmental policy were analyzed . And its struc ture were discussed from such respects as environmental economy policy , environmental technology policy , environmental society policy , environmental government policy , international environmental policy .

  16. 介绍了土地伦理利用的基本概念,探讨了基本原则,并从土地利用伦理与经济、法律、行政政策、教育手段等角度提出了土地伦理利用的实现途径。

    The basic concepts of land ethics-use were introduced here , the basic principles of land ethics-use were explored . Finally , the approaches of achieving land ethical-use combined with the measures of economic , legal , administrative policies and education methods were suggested .

  17. 即中国保险业寡头垄断市场结构的形成主要是缘于行政政策因素,而非市场自由竞争的结果,其规模经济效益是低水平的,无法与国际保险巨头相媲美。

    That is to say , the most important factor that the oligopoly market structure has come into being is political reason instead of free market competition . Comparing with the large international insurance groups , the scale economic efficiency of PICC is very low .

  18. 因此,政府可以以江苏房地产市场的非均衡度值指标为参考依据,采取相应的财政政策、金融政策、法律政策和行政政策来促进江苏省房地产健康、稳定、可持续的发展。

    Therefore , the degree of disequilibrium provides the reference for the governmental macroeconomic regulation , which may help indicators take appropriate fiscal policy , monetary policy , legal policy and administrative policies to promote real estate market of Jiangsu Province to be healthy , stable and sustainable development .

  19. 他在国家行政外交政策方面扮演重要角色。

    He had a major foreign policy role in this administration .

  20. 依法治国方略的确立,法制的日趋完善,使得行政&政策一统天下的格局被打破。

    With the legal construction and the rule of law , the situation of administration has been broken .

  21. 讲演、文章和采访都是让公众了解行政机关政策和行动的有用途径;

    Speeches , articles , and interviews are useful means of informing the public about agency policy and activities ;

  22. 日本依靠行政指导政策成功控制水污染的经验值得我国借鉴。

    We should learn from the successful experience of Japan on water pollution control by initiating guidance of the government .

  23. 政府已经引入了削减社会和行政开支政策,到2007年将减少大约170亿美元的公共开支。

    The government has introduced a package of social and administrative spending cuts to reduce public spending by about $ 17 billion through 2007 .

  24. 究其原因在于户外广告业的蓬勃发展与滞后的行政管理政策之间的不协调。

    The reason for this is that there is lack of coordination between the rapid developments of outdoor advertising and relatively impeded progress of administration policies .

  25. 在其原因分析中,地方政府对房地产市场行政调控政策的执行力度成为被关注的焦点。

    In the analysis of the causes , the enforcement of the local government of the real estate market administrative control policy has been the focus of attention .

  26. 本研究对于协调中央与地方政府关系,规范地方政府行为,使房地产市场行政调控政策得到更好的实施具有重要的现实意义。

    The research has important realistic significance on coordinate the relationship between the central and the local government and make the better implementation of the real estate market administrative control policies .

  27. 第四部分主要从政策自身、政策执行主体、目标对象和政策环境等几个方面对影响地方教育行政部门政策执行的因素做进一步的分析。

    The fourth section analyzes several factors which may influence the implementation of curriculum policy of local educational administrative authorities such as the policy itself , the subject and policy circumstance etc , especially the subject .

  28. 包括完善小企业融资的法律法规、财政政策、税收政策和行政收费政策;完善小企业融资的信用担保体系、社会征信体系、信用评估体系等。

    It includes improve the laws financial polices , taxing policies and administrate expense polices for the financing of the small enterprise plus its credit mortgage system , social credit system , credit evaluation system and soon .

  29. 浅议行政费的政策定位及改革设想

    Brief discussion of Policy Positioning and Reform Plans of Administrative fees

  30. 它分行政管理保护政策与法律保护政策两部分。

    It consists of administrative protection and legal protection .