
  • 网络Administrative jurisdiction
  1. 刑事行政管辖权,主要是行政机关侦查、起诉和执行刑罚的权力。

    Criminal administrative jurisdiction is the power that administrative office investigates , brings the suit and carries out punishment mainly .

  2. 行政区域以特定辖区为载体、以行政层级为依托、以属地管辖为原则的管理特点,使得政府的行政管辖权仅限于特定的地域范围之内。

    Administrative Region in a specific area as the carrier , based on the principle of territorial jurisdiction , to the management to the administrative level , make the administrative jurisdiction of the government is limited to a specific geographical area .

  3. 夹缝中的变革&以行政审判管辖权为视角的叙事国王同时也行使审判权。

    Reforms in the Crack : Description Taking the Administrative Litigation Jurisdiction as a Perspective The King also administered justice .

  4. 取消基层人民法院的第一审行政案件管辖权刍议由一起行政诉讼案件判决书引发的法律思考

    Arguments for Withdrawal of Jurisdiction of Administrative Action Cases in First Instance of Grass-roots Courts Legal Reflections aroused by the Judgment of an administrative case

  5. 一位农村初中校长领导行为的叙事研究夹缝中的变革&以行政审判管辖权为视角的叙事

    Narrative Research on the Leadership Behavior of a Rural Junior Middle School Principal Reforms in the Crack : Description Taking the Administrative Litigation Jurisdiction as a Perspective

  6. 即使行政机关管辖权问题是可争辩的或并不清楚,法院也可能列出若干理由让调查进行下去。

    Even when the issue of agency jurisdiction is arguable or unclear , the court is likely to perceive several reasons to let the investigation go forward .

  7. 特别行政区刑事管辖权论略

    On the Penal Jurisdiction of Special Administrative Regions

  8. 地方著作权行政管理部门因管辖权发生争议或者管辖不明时,由争议双方协商解决;

    When any jurisdictional dispute arises between local copyright administrative departments or the jurisdiction is unspecified , the disputed parties shall negotiate for solution ;

  9. 将省管县从由简单的行政区划调整、管辖权调整,上升到整个制度构架由集权到集权分权有机结合的,并为走向分权治理做好过渡上来看,更能突显其意义的重大。

    From the simple adjustment of the jurisdiction up to the system architecture by a combination of centralized to decentralized centralization compromise , and to make the transition to decentralized governance point of view , highlights the fact that its significance significant .

  10. 行政诉讼原告资格的确认影响甚至决定着行政诉讼中司法管辖权的领域以及公民获得司法救济的范围。

    The confirmation of the plaintiff qualifications in administrative proceedings affects , even decides , the territory of jurisdiction in administrative proceedings and the legal redressing that the citizens get .