
  • 网络Harvesting;catch
采捕 [cǎi bǔ]
  • [fish and catch] 采集捕捞

  • 采捕龙虾

  1. 野生哲罗鱼的采捕及运输技术

    Capture and transportation skill for wild Hucho taimen Pallas

  2. 根据个体生长特性,3龄为最佳采捕年龄;

    Based on the individual growth , the best harvest age was 3 ;

  3. 采捕于溪河的野生黑脊倒刺,在池塘生态条件下进行人工驯养使其达到性成熟。

    The wild Spinibarbus caldwelli captured from the stream were domesticated in ponds and could mature under the controlled ecological conditions .

  4. 目前由于过度采捕、环境改变以及引进外来种等影响,应该对厚壳贻贝的种质资源进行保护。

    The germplasm resources of M.coruscus should be protected immediately because of overexploitation , habitat alteration and introduction of exotic species .

  5. 但是,近年来由于过度采捕与环境条件的变化,中国蛤蜊野生种群的生存受到了较大的威胁。

    However , due to over-exploitation and changes in environmental conditions , wild populations of the Chinese surf clam is threatened in recent years .

  6. 本文就温度、作业海域的深度、起网速度对黄鲷采捕成活率的影响进行了研究。

    The paper makes a study on the effect of temperature , depth of operation waters and hauling speed on the harvesting survival rate of yellow porgy .

  7. 目前中国蛤蜊养殖苗种基本依靠野外采捕,苗种资源的匮乏阻碍了中国蛤蜊增养殖业的发展。

    At present , seeds for Mactra chinensis aquaculture mainly depend on collecting wild seeds , so insufficiency of seeds hampered the development of Mactra chinensis aquaculture industry .

  8. 说明这种珠母贝的遗传变异相当丰富,未受40多年前过度采捕所引起的群体数量大幅度起伏的影响。

    It suggests that this species still has abundant genetic variation and has not been affected by the great reduction in densities caused by overfishing about 40 years ago .

  9. 6月中旬(水温14.6~16.5℃)采捕的亲贝,经升温促熟6~7天(水温18~21℃),生殖腺发育成熟。

    The parent clams were collected in mid-June ( Water temperature 14 . 6 - 16 . 5 ℃ ) and their gonads were induced to maturation by increasing the temperature to 18 - 21 ℃ for 6 - 7 days .

  10. 中国有着千余年人工贝类养殖史,野生贝类采捕史则更为久远,贝类物种多样,资源量丰富,贝类产业长期以来一直是中国水产业的一个重要组成部分。

    China has thousands ' years of history of shellfish culturing , and the history of shellfish capturing is even longer . In China there is a diversity of shellfish species and rich yield . The shellfish industry has always been an important component of fishery .

  11. 近100年来,由于过度采捕、环境污染、病害和生境破坏等原因,许多温带河口区牡蛎种群数量持续下降,河口生态系统的结构与功能受到破坏,富营养化越来越严重。

    In last century , as the results of over-fishing , environmental pollution , disease , and habitat destruction , the oyster population in many temperate estuaries had a persistent decrease , which led to the destruction of estuarine ecosystem and the serious eutrophication in estuaries .