
  • 网络Administrative system;administrative organizational system
  1. 其中还有多枚简涉及对洞庭郡某一行政建制的讨论。

    A number of slips record the discussion about the administrative establishment of Dongting prefecture .

  2. 乡镇是中国农村地区的基层行政建制单位。

    The villages and towns are the basic organic units of administration in the rural area of China .

  3. 秦朝乌氏县是中原政权在宁夏地区第一次正式的行政建制,具有十分重要的政治、军事、经济、文化意义。

    Wuzhi county in Qin Dynasty was the first official executive institution of the central power in Ningxia area .

  4. 县是国家设置的一个地方行政建制,是一种由城镇、集镇、乡村组成的行政区域单位。

    " County " is some kind of organizational system of region administration , which is consisted of town , market town and village .

  5. 中国土司制度,源远流长,长期存在有其合理性,是中国社会发展一定历史阶段少数民族地区行政建制的合理选择。

    The Tusi System of China had a long history , whose existence has its rationality because it was the possible best ethnic policy in ancient China .

  6. 始于清末成于1939年1月1日的西康建省是我国近代边疆民族地区行政建制史上的重大事件,历经三十余年,经过了中央数次决议,建省过程一波三折,时废时兴。

    The establishment of Xikang Province is regarded as a significant event in the modern history of the administrative system in the border area of China where the ethnic minorities live .

  7. 在规划过程中建立了符合我国县级行政建制的公众参与土地规划协调联络与信息反馈模式和定期的规划进展宣传机制。

    It establishes a pattern of harmonizing , connecting and information feeding back for public participation according with city administration system in our country . And it forms a periodical planning propagandizing mechanism .

  8. 首先通过对常州城市的地理位置、生态环境、经济开发、行政建制、人口消长等一系列历史演变的考察,来讨论常州城市发展的前提与条件。

    At first , Describing the history evolvement of geography , environment , circumstance , administration and population in Changzhou City , Paper I presents the conditions of city development and reasons of city space structure to be .

  9. 1658年,清政府扫灭南明势力后,为开发贵州采取了一系列措施:1.扫除割据势力,建立和完善省内各级地方行政建制。

    In 1658 , after Qing government had wiped out South Ming Dynasty , a series of important measures were adopted in order to exploit Guizhou province : 1 . a separatist regime was swept away , administrative machinery at all levels was established and improved .

  10. 新中国成立后,以行政公署建制。

    After the founding of New China , to the Civil Administration formed .

  11. 第四部分介绍了近代新疆行政区划建制变革后所产生的政治和经济意义。

    The fourth part of the modern administrative divisions of Xinjiang changes arising from the political and economic significance .

  12. 第二部分主要介绍了晚清的两次行政区划建制变革和变革后存在的问题。

    The second part introduces the two administrative divisions of late Qing reform and the problems after the change .

  13. 第三部分主要介绍了民国时期新疆行政区划建制的变革,包括新疆政区的统一(伊塔归并和阿尔泰划新)和政区建制的设置与变化。

    The third part introduces the administrative divisions of Xinjiang during the Republic of change , including the unified Administrative Region of Xinjiang ( Altai ITAR-merge and the new plan ) and change the settings and political areas .

  14. 理清这半个多世纪新疆的三次行政区划建制变革,不仅能够丰富中国行政区划的内容,还有助于更多的人了解新疆现在行政区划的由来,关注新疆行政区划的变化。

    Clarify that the three administrative divisions of Xinjiang over half a century change , not only to enrich the contents of the Chinese administration , but also help more people understand the origin of administrative divisions of Xinjiang now , concerned about the changes in administrative divisions of Xinjiang .

  15. 乡村区划是指县以下的行政区域划分建制。

    The village administrative division is the administrative region division under county .

  16. 近年来研究行政区和非行政建制区如何有效落实公共文化服务职能的问题,是改革开放新的形势下公共文化服务的新课题。

    In recent years , the practice of administrative and non administrative system to the effective implementation of public cultural service functions has become a new project in the reform and opening up policy .

  17. 乡镇是我国行政管理层次中最低一级的行政建制,它责任重大,但处境窘迫。

    Town is at the lowest level of the administrative hierarchy in China . It bears important responsibilities but find itself now in a very difficult position .

  18. 乡镇政府是我国行政管理体系最低一级的地方行政建制,是介于县、村之间的中间层次,具体体现着政府与农村居民之间的分权关系。

    Town government administrative system which levels between the county and village administrative system is the lowest level of local administrative units . It manifests the separation of powers between the government and rural residents .

  19. 市辖区是我国行政管理体制架构中重要的一级行政建制单位。

    Municipal district is an important subdivision of the administrative system in China .

  20. 乡镇作为国家行政体系中最基础的一级地方行政建制,是联系国家和社会的重要纽带。

    As countries township administrative system in the most basic of the local administrative organizational system , the primary state and society are linked to the important link .

  21. 现在,我国地方政府实行的行政层级结构是以省市县乡四级为主,在市这一级行政建制刚实行的时候,四级行政层级,包括市管县体制都发挥了积极的作用。

    At present , the administrative hierarchy of local governments in China is based on Province-City-County-Township four main administrative levels . When the city county was implemented initially , the four-level system administration had played an active role .

  22. 这种强制性行政管理的思想,也渗透进了学校内部的组织结构,照搬行政组织模式以严格的行政建制组建,权力逐渐集中,向上收缩,重心上提。

    The school inner organization structure that also infiltrates the idea of compulsive administration management copies administration organization mode to organize system , gradually concentrated the power to the top , upgraded the centre .