
  1. 垃圾填埋气(LFG)用作车辆燃料资源化现状及发展前景

    The Current Situation of LFG Recovery as Vehicle Fuel and Its Prospects

  2. 随着全球气候环境的恶化和化石燃料资源的日渐匮乏,以太阳能光伏发电(PV)为代表的分布式发电技术越来越多地受到人们的关注。

    With deterioration of the global climatope and increasingly lack of fossil fuel , more and more attention have been paid on distributed generation technology , represented as photovoltaic generation .

  3. 他的MDR有限公司经营在南半球内提炼和加工石油、煤炭和其它燃料资源的生意。

    His company , MDR Limited , is an Aspatrian corporation engaged in the business of extracting and processing oil , coal , and other fuel sources throughout the Southern Hemisphere .

  4. 同时,埃克森(Exxon)和雪佛龙(Chevron)等大型能源企业在寻找和开发新化石燃料资源方面遇到的高成本阻力让人望而却步。

    And then there are energy giants like Exxon and Chevron , which are facing daunting , expensive headwinds in the search for and cultivation of additional sources of fossil fuel .

  5. 优化合成氨原料和燃料资源的配置

    Optimizing the feedstocks and fuels configuration of synthetic ammonia

  6. 国内汽车代用燃料资源及应用情况

    Domestic Automotive Alternative Fuel Resources and Application Status

  7. 燃料资源的分布很不均衡。

    Fuel resources are very unevenly distributed .

  8. 地质时期生物与自然协调演化及化石燃料资源的分布规律

    Coordinated biotic and environmental evolution in the earth history and the distribution of fossil fuel

  9. 目前我国化石燃料资源量构成中,天然气资源具有较大潜力。

    The natural gas resource is of great potential considering the present fossil fuel resource quantity in China .

  10. 而美国则拥有很大程度上尚未开发的化石燃料资源,包括煤,天然气和石油。

    The U.S.meanwhile sits on largely untapped fossil fuel resources , including coal , natural gas and oil .

  11. 随着城市现代化建设的进展和气体燃料资源的不断开发,燃气事业日益发展。

    The fuel gas enterprise flourishes with the progress of city modernization and development of the gaseous fuel resources .

  12. 你不是想要烧毁你的房子,你想要的是更便宜的燃料资源。

    You don 't want to burn down your house , but you want a cheap source of fuel .

  13. 对缺少煤炭、石油的国家来说,寻找新的燃料资源尤为重要。

    It is extremely important that countries with a shortage of coal and oil find a new source of fuel .

  14. 生物质已被公认为是可再生能源的潜在来源,可以用来替代矿物燃料资源的枯竭。

    Biomass has been recognized as a potential source for the renewable energy to substitute the declining fossil fuel resources .

  15. 由于石油等化石燃料资源的消耗殆尽,新型能源的发展备受关注。

    As oil and other fossil fuel resources are exhausted , the development of new energy is gaining much more attention .

  16. 世界各国对核燃料资源的探索和战略储备势必成为新的竞争焦点。

    It wil be a new focus for countries in the world to explore nuclear fuel resources and make the strategic reserve .

  17. 生物量这个术语指的是广泛多样的天然燃料资源,包括动植物残渣、柴和垃圾。

    Biomass-this term refers to a wide variety of crude fuel sourees , including plant and animal waste , wood and garbage .

  18. 一些人相信飞机旅行应当被限制因为它导致了严重的污染并用光了世界上的燃料资源。

    Some people believe that air travel should be restricted because it causes serious pollution and uses up the world 's fuel resources .

  19. 生物复苏&大绝灭后生物演化历史的第一幕地质时期生物与自然协调演化及化石燃料资源的分布规律

    Biotic recovery first episode of evolution after mass extinction coordinated biotic and environmental evolution in the earth history and the distribution of fossil fuel

  20. 随着能源需求增长与化石燃料资源日趋枯竭的矛盾日益突出,洁净的可再生能源越来越受到人们的欢迎和重视,风力发电是新能源中最具有经济发展前景的一种发电形式。

    Renewable energy has been increasingly embraced due to dwindling fuel reserves , and wind generation is one of the most prospective new energy .

  21. 随着化石燃料资源的日益减少以及在利用过程中对环境造成的巨大破坏,生物质能的资源化利用正受到越来越多的重视。

    With the fossil resource decreasing and the serious pollution caused by fossil fuel combustion , the biomass energy attracts more and more attention .

  22. 该中心的首批目标之一将是测绘巴西和中国的生物燃料资源,从而开发出利用这些生物燃料的共同手段。

    One of the centre 's first goals will be to map biofuel sources in Brazil and China to develop common approaches to their exploitation .

  23. 核聚变能源以其安全、清洁、燃料资源丰富等优点而成为未来首选能源。

    The nuclear fusion energy will be the first choice for future energy , since it is safe , clean and with abundant nuclear fuel supply .

  24. 第三部分在探讨武钢原燃料资源情况和供应管理现状的基础上,提出了其当前存在的问题及从战略高度来提升供应管理的紧迫性和必要性。

    Based on the discusses of material supply management of WuHan Iron and Steel Corporation , part three points out its problems , the necessity to reform timely .

  25. 煤、石油、天然气等化石燃料资源日趋枯竭,能源安全问题越来越受到世界各国的广泛关注。

    As coal , oil , natural gas and other fossil fuel resources are depleting , energy security issues causing more and more extensive attention all over the world .

  26. 浅谈地质资料地质图件的归档和保存地质时期生物与自然协调演化及化石燃料资源的分布规律

    Geological data in the electronic maps and paper maps at archiving and preservation differences coordinated biotic and environmental evolution in the earth history and the distribution of fossil fuel

  27. 有关专家透露,这种气动悬浮列车不会使用如煤炭、天然气或电力这样的传统的燃料资源,并预计其将改变世界的交通系统。

    The aerotrain doesn 't run on traditional fuel resources such as coal , gas or electricity , and is expected to change the world 's transportation system , according to experts .

  28. 中东地区充裕的化石燃料资源以及低廉的能源成本——汽油和天然气价格因为来自政府的大额补贴而处于低位——导致该地区几乎没有动力来节约能源。

    The abundance of fossil fuels in the Middle East and the low cost of energy - with heavily subsidised prices for petrol and gas - gives the region little incentive to husband resources .

  29. 现在人类的生存和发展主要依赖化石能源,但随着大规模工业开采和人类不断增长的能源消费需求,全球的化石燃料资源正在加速枯竭。

    Human survival and development is now mainly relies on fossil energy , but with the large-scale industrial mining , and human needs of growing energy consumption , global depletion of fossil fuel resources is accelerating .

  30. 估计在我国与化石燃料资源有关的沉积岩覆盖面积达600×10~4km~2,具有广泛形成化石燃料资源的地质环境。

    It is estimated that the area of sedimentary rocks which are related to fossil fuel resources reaches 600 × 10 ~ 4km ~ 2 in China , so we have a wide geological setting to form fossil fuel resources .