
  • 网络fuel vehicle
  1. 由于作动力源的电池箱质量较大,使得电动客车整车受力状况与燃油车相比发生了很大的变化。

    Due to the rather big mass of cell box that serves as the source of power , there happened quite a big variation on the force bearing condition of the whole electric coach when compared with that of the fuel vehicle .

  2. 这就是为什么政府并没有说要“取缔汽车”,而是说要取缔燃油车。

    Which is why the government isn 't saying ' get rid of cars ' – just the engines .

  3. 本田称,电动版飞度在运动模式下的加速性能与燃油车旗鼓相当,比如排量为2.0或以上的大众捷达(VolkswagenJetta)。

    Honda says the acceleration in sport mode is equivalent to a gasoline car like the Volkswagen Jetta with an engine displacement of 2.0 liters or more .

  4. 燃油车里的那个家伙怎么还活着?

    Why is the guy in the fuel truck still ale ?

  5. 和2006年相比,动能车的销售比燃油车增长快。

    Non-petrol vehicle sales were growing faster than petrol vehicle sales compared to2006 .

  6. 首先,研究基于传统燃油车改装的电动汽车。

    Firstly , the electric vehicle modified from traditional fuel vehicles is studied .

  7. 比起传统的燃油车,这类车排放温室气体更少,保养也更容易。

    They emit less greenhouse gas than traditional models and are easier to maintain .

  8. 与传统的燃油车相比,电动汽车在碰撞过程中存在特殊性。

    Compared to traditional fuel vehicles , electric vehicles have its own particularity in crash safety .

  9. 随着汽车的普及,传统燃油车带来的一系列问题将不容忽视。

    With the popularity of the car , the problems caused by traditional car should not be ignored .

  10. 电动自行车的发明和使用对解决燃油车造成的严重环境污染和缓解日益突出的能源危机问题有一定的现实意义。

    To develop the electric-bike will be helpful to solve the pollution problem caused by the waste gas from the gasoline-automobiles and energy sources problems .

  11. 加州大学戴维斯分校(UniversityofCaliforniaatDavis)的一项研究表明,在全球范围内以电动自动驾驶共享汽车替代燃油私家车可使2050年的交通运输碳排量减少80%,还能降低40%的交通基础设施和运营成本。

    A study from the University of California at Davis suggested that replacing petrol-powered private cars worldwide with electric , self-driving and shared systems could reduce carbon emissions from transportation 80 % and cut the cost of transportation infrastructure and operations 40 % by 2050 .

  12. 公司成立于二零零八年,是电动车、电动自行车,燃油助力车行业骨干企业之一。

    Founded in2008 , is the electric vehicles , electric bicycles , bicycle industry , the backbone of one of the fuel .

  13. 而怀疑论者则认为,能真正取代燃油动力车的技术还需要数年甚至数十年才能研发成熟。

    Skeptics , though , contend that the technology to substantially displace oil-fired mobility will take years , maybe decades , to develop .

  14. 汽车空气燃油加热器作为客车车室、货车驾驶室和工程车辆的取暖装置以及预热发动机的主要设备,已被国内外广泛采用。

    As an equipment for heating bus , truck and engneering vehicle chamber and preheating engine , oil heaters have been largely used all over the world .

  15. 燃油助动车比柴油车燃烧效率更差,其尾气颗粒物对人体慢性毒性效应可能更严重。

    The combustion efficiency of motorcycle engines is much worse than that of diesel automobile engines and the toxicity of the motorcycle engine exhaust particulates is much greater causing a drastically grave threat to human health .

  16. 多数人购车时不会考虑车辆的燃油效率。但是,随着汽油价格的持续升高,选择燃油效率高的车可以节省很多开支,同时减少数以吨计的碳排放。

    Most people don 't think about fuel efficiency when choosing their car , but with rising petrol costs choosing an efficient car can save thousands of pounds as well as tonnes of carbon emissions .