- 动burnup
- 名fuel consumption

(1) [burn up]
(2) 消耗掉的燃料数量(如在核反应堆中)
(3) 由空气阻力引起的火箭或人造卫星的生热与汽化
Measurement of ~ ( 235 ) U Mass and Burnup in Fuel Assembly in Research Reactors
Radiochemical determination of burnup of nuclear fuel with ~ ( 137 ) cs as monitor
Monte Carlo-burnup code system and it 's application to IAEA ADS benchmark
The measurement of abundance and content of ~ ( 148 ) nd monitor for the determination of burnup with mass spectrometry
Performance Analysis of Collimator in Online Burnup Measurement System for Pebble Modular High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor With Monte-Carlo Method
This paper introduced the general situation of the reactivity measurement on an experimental PWR under high burnup condition .
Study of the burnup measurement for 10 MW high temperature gas - cooled reactor
The conclusion show failure rate rise rapidly when burnup , temperature or kernel diameter increase , and are also sensitive to the thicknesses of buffer layer and SiC layer .
Tunnel kiln process has maximum coal comsumption and COF process has minimum value .
While the Al_2O_3 content in sinter reached 2.09 % , sintering productivity can be not changed from increasing fuel ratio , but sinter strength is reduced obviously , fuel consumption is increased obviously .
The dimensions of U_3Si-Al and UO_2 - Al are stable under irradiation , but U-2 ( wt ) % Zr changed at maximum burn-up .
These are used to calculate burnup of a Tokamak commercial hybrid reactor ( TCB ) .
Usually , concentration of fission product monitors ~ ( 137 ) Cs and ~ ( 148 ) Nd are measured experimentally , from which burnup of irradiation fuel element can be derived .
The neutronics analysis of China Advanced Research Reactor is carried out with the diffusion method by using the whole core module in this paper .
The uncertainty of burnup values got by the set of formulae is 3 % , maxium deviation from Nd method is 2 % . This is a set of new formulae for heavy isotope method .
To realize the minimal fuel strategy , an optimal control law was proposed based on the maximum principle .
The results show there are enough stress margins for the base load operation and primary frequency control operation if rod drop accident occurs in the natural cycle and stretch out operation , therefore no risk of PCI failure has been found .
The target fuel depletion and energy gain of inertial confinement fusion ( ICF ) for uniform spherical target of D - ~ 3He advanced fuel compressed by high power multi-laser-beam have been calculated in this article .
Some important parameters ( coolant void reactivity , burn-up and etc. ) are calculated using the code WIMS-AECL .
By contrasting sintering changes and quality index as well as fuel consumption before or after adding SYP synergist , the result shows that SYP synergist is helpful to sintering .
The results showed that the 300 MWt pebble bed GFR based on the deep burn-up concept could effectively raise the availability of the uranium resources and decrease the pile-up of minor actinide .
The detector can been used to determine the burnup , cooling time and the contents of whole plutonium and whole fission material in spent fuel assemblies of the PWR and BWR types at a reprocessing and storage facility .
The results showed that the optimized heating rate in the shuttle kiln firing can take fuel savings . The second part was based on the model reference adaptive control ( MRAC ) to control gas-shuttle kiln temperature .
The reasons of higher fuel consumption on 105 m ~ 2 sintering machine at Angang Sinter Plant than that at other plants were analyzed .
In order to improve sintering raw mix size composition , increasing sinter TFe content and reducing solid fuel consumption , the industrial sintering test with all burnt lime to replace the limestone in BaoGang Iron Making Plant was conducted , and anticipative effect was gained
The paper is the important part of developing the new code BUS-3D which will realize three dimensional transport computation and numerical method to solve the burnup equations .
The results obtained from irradiation test show that the corrosion resistance , creep resistance and irradiation growth for M4 and M5 are superior to the optimized Zircaloy 4 , especially the performances of M5 in and out of pile are much better .
When the reactor is operating , the variation of the burn-up of the fuel will cause vari-ation of the neutron flux , which can make the core power measured by the RPN nuclear power system deviate from the actual power .
The continuous-energy point-cross sections are substituted by the homogenized multi-group cross sections as the function of burnup by the lattice code WIMS , which speedup the computation procedures and supply the capability of burnup simulations for the Monte Carlo Code .
Through reforming the charging roller and strengthening the exterior coordination , the delay time of waiting gas is decreased by 110h , the fuel consumption per ton of plate is decreased by 1.51 m 3 / t , and the production of plate is increased .