
  • 网络fuel consumption rate;specific fuel consumption;fuel rate;bsfc
  1. 机电联合控制方案1的试验研究表明:掺烧LPG后,可以显著地降低柴油机的碳烟排放;但在小负荷范围内,燃料消耗率略有增加,HC、CO排放增加较多。

    The experimental results of the machinery electron control Scheme 1 show that , after co combustion of LPG , smoke is largely reduced , specific fuel consumption is reduced under high load but slightly increased under light load , and HC and CO are greatly increased under light load .

  2. 在负荷特性工况运行时,混合燃料发动机的有效燃料消耗率和有效热效率与汽油机基本相当;

    Under the load characteristic of operation , the brake specific fuel consumption and effective thermal efficiency is almost similar to that of gasoline engine .

  3. 本文首先建立了车辆的瞬间尾气排放率、燃料消耗率与瞬时速度、加速度之间的关系;

    Relationships between the instantaneous emission / fuel consumption rate and the instantaneous speed / acceleration are first analyzed .

  4. 计算得出缸内压力、缸内温度、燃料消耗率等。

    By simulating , we obtains the pressure , the temperature , the fuel oil consumption rate and so on .

  5. 通过大量的实验,研究了天然气发动机在5种不同进气氧浓度情况下的功率、扭矩和燃料消耗率等动力性能。

    The dynamic performances and fuel consumption rate of a NGV engine with different oxygen concentration are researched in detail .

  6. 之后,研究了不同窗户大小和不同燃料消耗率对外部燃烧的影响。

    Secondly , the effects on external burning flame of the window 's shape and the fuel mass loss rate are studied .

  7. 高负荷时放热率曲线型心向上止点靠近,燃烧等容度提高,当量柴油燃料消耗率显著下降;

    Moreover , the center of heat release rate curve closes to the top-dead-center under high-load condition and diesel equivalent fuel consumption decreases .

  8. 微处理机可以与一个天平、砝码和量杯一起使用,以实现对发动机燃料消耗率的经济而精确的测量。

    A microprocessor can be used with a balance , weight set , and beaker to provide an economical and accurate measure of engine fuel consumption rate .

  9. 最后,发现当燃料消耗率足够大致使室内燃料过量因子接近1时,室内火焰将会熄灭,燃料流出窗户形成的外部燃烧火焰会被拉长,火焰紧贴窗户外的壁面向上燃烧。

    When the fuel mass loss rate is large enough so that excess fuel factor in the room is close to 1 , the fire in the compartment would be extinguished and the external burning flame would be elongated and spread along the fa ade wall .

  10. 燃料的能量消耗率在外特性和负荷特性高负荷工况下逐渐改善,在中小负荷工况恶化。

    The fuel economy is improved at the high and full load condition and deteriorates at the low load .

  11. 试验结论表明,掺烧生物柴油后,发动机经济性有所降低,混合燃料的燃油消耗率与掺混的生物柴油比例成正比。

    The experiment results show that the engine fuel economy decreased after pure diesel blended with biodiesel , mixed fuel consumption is proportional to the amount of biodiesel blended with diesel .

  12. 研究结果表明:在相同平均有效压力下混合燃料的燃油消耗率有所增加,但折算成当量汽油的燃油消耗率下降,热效率提高。

    The experimental results show that the effective brake fuel consumption is increased while the gasoline equivalent fuel consumption is decreased and the engine thermal efficiency is improved compared with those of gasoline fuel .

  13. 并研究了生物柴油对柴油机燃油消耗率和烟度排放的影响,结果表明,掺烧含有生物柴油的柴油-生物柴油混合燃料使得燃油消耗率略有增加但烟度排放大幅减少。

    The effect using bio-diesel to the fuel ( consumption ) and smoke of diesel engine is studied , which shows that the fuel consumption will ( increase ) slightly but the smoke emission decrease largely when using diesel-biodiesel mixed fuel on diesel engine .

  14. 试验结果表明:供油提前角提前,柴油/甲醇混合燃料的有效燃油消耗率降低。

    The results showed that the brake specific fuel consumption decreased with the increase of fuel supply advance angle , and the ignition delay of blend reduced with the decrease of fuel supply advance angle .

  15. 实验结果表明:在外特性工况运行时,甲醇-汽油混合燃料发动机的输出功率在高转速时略高于汽油机,有效燃料消耗率比汽油机低,有效热效率比汽油机高;

    The result shows that under the speed characteristic of full load , the power output of blended fuel engine is slightly higher at high engine speed , the brake specific fuel consumption is lower , and the effective thermal efficiency is higher compared with gasoline engine .

  16. 进行了汽油/玉米秸杆油混合燃料对汽油机动力性、燃料经济性和排放性能的应用研究,测量了燃用混合燃料前后内燃机的转矩、功率、有效燃料消耗率。

    The study on the power performance , the fuel economy and the emission are carried out on a gasoline ( engine ) when using mealie straw oil mixed fuel . The torque , power , specific oil consumption of the engine were measured .