
  • 网络national ignition facility;NIF
  1. 国家点火装置(NIF)点火靶制备技术研究进展

    Progresses of National Ignition Facility target

  2. 虽然有些核能项目动辄要花费几十亿美元,比如法国的国际热核实验反应堆(ITER)和美国加州的美国国家点火装置(NationalIgnitionFacility),但是这并不意味着在核能领域就完全没有草根阶层可以施展拳脚的空间。

    International government projects like ITER in France and the National Ignition Facility in California may have spent billions of dollars in pursuit of the technology , but that doesn 't mean there can 't be a little grassroots action , too .

  3. 在国家点火装置(NIF)的研究中,经常采用单点金刚石切削(SPDT)加工KDP晶体以获得超光滑表面。

    In the National Ignition Facility ( NIF ) research program , KDP crystal has been studied on single point diamond turning ( SPDT ) for getting optical surfaces .

  4. 例如,美国国家点火装置实验室曾尝试用192束激光照射一个小靶核来实现氢-氘聚变点火。

    The National Ignition Facility in the US , for example , has attempted to achieve hydrogen-deuterium fusion ignition using 192 laser beams focused on a small target .