
ɡuó jì hé zuò sī
  • Department of International Cooperation
  1. 科技部国际合作司将为成功地完成培训学习的参训人员颁发结业证书。

    Participants who have completed study successfully in the training workshop will be awarded a certificate issued by the Department of International Cooperation of MOST .

  2. 农业部国际合作司欧洲处。

    Office of European Affairs , Department of of International Cooperation , MAC .

  3. 卫生部国际合作司司长任明辉出席会议并致辞。

    Ministry of Health of the International Cooperation Division , attended the meeting and Mr Ren Minghui .

  4. 阮氏碧,董事,财务部国际合作司,相信越南已经作好准备,东盟集团的内部走向零关税。

    Nguyen Thi Bich , Director of the Finance Ministry 's International Cooperation Department , believes Vietnam is Well Prepared for the ASEAN group 's move toward zero internal tariffs .

  5. 中国国家中医药管理局国际合作司司长王笑频表示,中医药对世界医疗发展有着深远的影响。

    Wang Xiaopin , an official with the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of China , says the country 's holistic medical practice has had a far reaching influence on global medical development .

  6. “澳大利亚在干旱农业方面有相当丰富的经验,中国希望可以向它学习。”中国科技部国际合作司的官员王强说。

    " Australia has more experience in developing agriculture in arid areas , which we hope China can learn from ," says Wang Qiang , a senior official at China 's Ministry of Science and Technology .

  7. 教育部国际合作与交流司副司长李海在上个月的一场发布会上表示,我国已经成为亚洲最大的留学目的国。

    China has become Asia 's most popular destination for overseas students , said Li Hai , deputy director of the Department of International Cooperation and Exchange of China 's Ministry of Education , at a press conference last month .