
  • 网络iter;international thermonuclear experimental reactor;irer
  1. 国际热核实验堆ITERFEAT设计已完成。

    New design details for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor , ITER-FEAT , have been completed .

  2. 当前国际热核实验堆(ITER)的建造对推动聚变材料研究起着关键作用。

    The construction of International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor ( ITER ) makes a great effect on fusion materials research and development .

  3. 国际热核实验堆的建造与聚变堆材料研究

    International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor Building and Fusion Materials Study

  4. 试验包层模块(TBM)是国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER)的关键核心组件,其设计涉及多学科综合优化分析。

    Test Blanket Module ( TBM ) is a key component of the International Thermonuclear Experi-mental Reactor ( ITER ) . Its design involves multi-disciplinary optimization analysis .

  5. 国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER)被誉为地球上的人造太阳,将从根本上解决困扰人类的能源问题。

    International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor ( ITER ) known as a " artificial sun " on earth will entirely solve the energy problem puzzled mankind forever .

  6. 国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER)计划中,包层模块等关键部件表面需要制备阻氚涂层,以防止氚渗透。

    In the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor ( ITER ) project , tritium permeation barrier is necessary on the surface of TBM ( Test Blanket Module ) .

  7. 位于普罗旺斯的国际热核聚变实验堆(简称为ITER)计划于2035年开始输送能源。

    Located in Provence , the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor - or ITER , for short - is expected to start delivering energy in the year 2035 .

  8. 国际热核聚变实验堆的缩写Iter在拉丁语里面表示方式&旨在突出将这股能源作为为世界创造安全与和平力量的方式。

    Iter is the Latin for the way & intended to highlight the possibilities of the energy as a way of creating safe and peaceful power for the world .

  9. 目前,钨和钨合金由于良好的热传导性,高熔点,低溅射率等优良特性被普遍认为是最有希望成为国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER)等离子体面壁材料的候选材料之一。

    At present , W and W alloy are considered as a promising candidate for plasma facing material ( PFM ) of International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor ( ITER ) because of their high thermal conductivity , high melting and low sputtering erosion .

  10. 线圈终端盒(CTB)是国际热核聚变实验堆超导磁体系统的重要组成部分,其内部组件的漏热常常是整个磁体系统的主要漏热源之一,在很大程度上决定着低温系统的液氦消耗量。

    Coil terminal box ( CTB ) is the important constituent of the International Thermal-Nuclear Experimental Reactor superconducting magnet system . The heat leak of its components is frequently the main heat load source of the ( superconducting ) magnet which decides consume of liquid helium of the cryogenic system .

  11. 国际热核聚变实验堆的缩写“Iter”在拉丁语里面表示“方式”——旨在突出将这股能源作为为世界创造安全与和平力量的方式。但它曾经一度都以全称形式出现,之所以放弃使用全称是因为它潜在的令人担忧的内涵。

    Iter is the Latin for " the way " - intended to highlight the possibilities of the energy as a way of creating safe and peaceful power for the world . But it was once known as International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor , a name that was dropped because of its potential worrying connotations .

  12. 国际热核聚变实验堆过渡馈线设计与分析

    Structural Design and Analysis of Cryostat Feedthrough for International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor

  13. 国际热核聚变实验堆磁体线圈终端盒的设计

    Design of Coil Terminal Box for International Thermal-Nuclear Experimental Reactor Superconducting Magnet

  14. 全球最大的核聚变装置已在法国南部正式开始组装。国际热核聚变实验堆项目将是首个测试聚变电能商业生产所需集成技术和材料的聚变装置。

    The assembly of the world 's largest nuclear fusion device has officially started in southern France .

  15. 该项目,称之为国际热核聚变实验堆,建在卡达拉奇,就在法国南部的艾克斯省附近。

    The project , known as Iter , is based in Cadarache , near Aix-en-Provence in southern France .

  16. 国际热核聚变实验堆工程于2006年开始,最初计划在今年首次试运行,到2023年实现完全聚变。

    The ITER project was launched in 2006 and had originally planned to conduct its first test run this year , to reach full fusion by 2023 .

  17. ITER(国际热核聚变实验实验堆)是规划建设中的一个为验证全尺寸可控核聚变技术的可行性而设计的国际托卡马克实验堆。

    ITER ( International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor ) is a planning international Tokamak reactor designed to demonstrate the feasibility of the full dimensions controlled nuclear fusion technology .

  18. 七大主要国际合作伙伴正在共同努力使国际热核聚变实验堆产生实际的核聚变能量,参与这一工程的有中国、欧洲、印度、日本、俄罗斯、韩国和美国。

    Seven main international partners are collaborating to bring ITER 's practical fusion power to reality - including China , Europe , India , Japan , Russia , South Korea and the US .