
  1. 在当今的激烈国际竞争中,大学是影响到国家核心竞争力的重要因素。

    University is one of the key factors for a country 's competitiveness .

  2. 科技自主创新是国家核心竞争力。

    Science and technology innovation is the core competitiveness .

  3. 其后又出现了国家核心竞争力等概念。

    Later , it appeared in " National Core Competence " and so on .

  4. 论倡导先进文化价值观对提升国家核心竞争力的作用

    On the Influence of View of Advanced Culture Value to Improving the National Core Competitiveness

  5. 科技与文化教育的发展成为国家核心竞争力的体现。

    The development of technology and education has become the most important value concerned in the competitive strength of a country .

  6. 因此,建立和拥有一支庞大的高层次人才队伍,直接关系到一个国家核心竞争力发展及其国际地位的兴衰成败。

    Therefore , building and boasting a sum of high-leveled talents directly affects core competitiveness of a country and its international status .

  7. 在经济社会发展中,专业技术人才核心竞争力对国家核心竞争力起着基础性、战略性、决定性作用。

    In the development of the economic society , the specialized technic talents core competition ability plays a decisive and strategic role in the country'development .

  8. 从美国研究型大学发展与其国家核心竞争力形成来看,两者存在着良性的互动关系。

    From the development of research universities and the core competence of America , we can see that there is a benign interactive relation between them .

  9. 国家核心竞争力的内涵就是人才的竞争、知识的竞争、科技创造及开发能力的竞争。

    The intension of the core competence of country is the competence in the talents , the knowledge , the research and development of science and technology .

  10. 高性能计算是信息技术的一个重要分支,被公认是继理论和实验科学之后,人类认识未知世界的第三大方法,高性能计算水平也已成为衡量一个国家核心竞争力的关键指标。

    High performance computing ( HPC ) is a major branch of information technology . HPC level has become a key index of a country 's competitive ability .

  11. 在全球化经济背景下,具有自主知识产权的产品创新设计能力是国家核心竞争力的一个重要组成部分。

    In the context of a globalized economy , with independent intellectual property rights of the design capabilities in product innovation is the core competitiveness of the country .

  12. “设计创新机制”:(1)是转变经济增长方式、提高国家核心竞争力的必然选择&从被动反馈型到主动分析型;

    " Design innovation mechanism ":( 1 ) is the necessary choice for transforming economic growth mode , improving national core competitiveness-from passive feedback type to active analytical type ;

  13. 占有知识产权和具有竞争力的标准成为知识经济时代衡量企业乃至国家核心竞争力的重要标志。

    Owning intellectual property rights and possessing competive standards have gradually become a key benchmark that could evaluate core competitiveness of enterprises and countries in the era of knowledge economy .

  14. 随着经济全球化和不断加深的知识经济的影响,自主创新能力业已成为决定地区乃至国家核心竞争力的重要参数。

    With the deepening of economic globalization and knowledge economy . The ability of independent innovation has become the core competitiveness of the country or region is an important guiding ideology .

  15. 我们要加强具有中国特色数字图书馆和数字资源的建设,以提升国家核心竞争力,从而将数字鸿沟转化为数字机遇。

    We should strengthen the construction of digital library and digital resource with Chinese characteristics so as to promote China 's core competitive power and change digital divide into digital opportunity .

  16. 世界各国之间的竞争已从经济、政治、国防等方面的竞争转移到作为国家核心竞争力坚强后盾的科技领域的竞争。

    Nowadays the competition in the world is changing from the economy , politics and national defense and so on to the field of science and technology that can strengthen national core competency .

  17. 研究生教育是国家核心竞争力的重要支撑,是提升国家软实力的重要依托,是加快科技创新和知识创新的重要标志。

    Graduate education is the important support to the core competence of countries , the importance rely to enhance the national soft power , the important sign to accelerate technological innovation and knowledge innovation .

  18. 国家核心竞争力的提高,社会进步的实现,离不开以培养公民科学素养为核心价值诉求的科学教育。

    The improvement of the national core competitiveness and the development of society can not be separated from the science education whose core value propositions is the cultivating of the scientific literacy of citizen .

  19. 进入二十一世纪以来,科学技术更成为经济发展的决定性力量,而自主创新能力作为推动科学技术进步的主要因素日益成为衡量国家核心竞争力的焦点。

    And the independent innovation capability , as a tool to promote the progress of science and technology , is also increasingly become the main factor to measure the core competitiveness all over the world .

  20. 把自主创新作为国民经济发展的基点,是增强我国企业乃至国家核心竞争力的必由之路。

    The competition of comprehensive national strength is the competition of self-innovation ability . Regarding self-innovation as the basement of national economic development is the only way to strength the competition of enterprises and our country .

  21. 以整体性科学价值为基础,制定合乎实际的中医药发展战略,将有助于实现中国科学与文化的输出与应用,全面提升国家核心竞争力。

    Making practical development strategy of TCM on the basis of its holistic science value will help to realize the exportation and application of Chinese science and culture , and enhance the national core competence completely .

  22. 技能型人才特别是高技能人才是国家核心竞争力的重要体现,是建设创新型国家的重要因素,是人才强国战略的重要组成部分。

    Skill type talents especially high skill talent is the core competitiveness of the country is important reflect , is the construction of innovative countries is an important factor , is an important part of talent strategy .

  23. 毫无疑问,揭示美国创业型大学的价值理念、结构和功能以及其成长过程、发展机制和制度安排,对于我国建设世界一流大学,提升国家核心竞争力具有重要意义。

    Undoubtedly , the analysis of the idea and mission , structure , functions , develop process and institutional arrangement of American entrepreneurial university means important significance for the construction of the world class university and the promotion of the core competition of our country .

  24. 加快建设世界一流大学,是实现中华民族伟大复兴的必然要求,是提升国家核心竞争力,在国际竞争中占据主动地位的迫切需要。

    Speeding up the pace of building up world-wide first-class universities has become an inexorable requirement to rejuvenate the Chinese nation , and meanwhile , it has also become an urgent need to sharpen our core competition edge , and to occupy an advantageous position in international competition .

  25. 代表信息技术的核心是CPU相关技术,它反映出一个国家的核心竞争力,关系着国家的安全。

    The core representing information technology is CPU and its relevant technology , which reflects the key competitiveness of a country and has close relation with the national security too .

  26. 随着科学技术的发展,无论是国家的核心竞争力的发展,还是企业的经济生长点的提高,都越来越依赖于人力资源的素质。

    With the development of technology , the quality of human resource is more and more important for both a country and company .

  27. 低碳技术创新不仅事关气候变化问题的解决,而且事关未来国家的核心竞争力。

    Low-carbon technology innovation is related not only to the problem of climate change , but also to the national core competitiveness in the future .

  28. 因为自主创新能力不仅是企业的核心竞争力,亦是一个国家的核心竞争力。

    Because our capacity for independent innovation is not only the core competitiveness of the enterprise , is also the core competitiveness of a country .

  29. 工程技术人才对经济与社会的发展有着不可替代的作用,工程技术人才的质量直接决定着一个国家的核心竞争力。

    Economic and social development is inseparable from engineering and technical personnel . The quality of engineering and technical personnel directly determines the competitiveness of a country .

  30. 我国继续教育事业的不断发展,为提升国民素质和国家的核心竞争力发挥了越来越重要的作用。

    The progress of the cause of continuing education plays an increasingly important role in enhancing the quality of domestic people and the core-competitiveness of a country .