
ɡuó jiā jī ɡuān ɡōnɡ zuò rén yuán
  • civil servant;state functionary ;state personnel;government worker
  1. 在主体方面,笔者赞同新刑法把国家工作人员改为国家机关工作人员的立法原因,但是认为要进一步完善。

    As to its subject aspects , the author agrees the legislative reason of transformation from " a State functionary " to " a functionary of a State organ " in present criminal law , but suggests the legislation should be further perfected .

  2. 玩忽职守罪的主体是国家机关工作人员。

    Neglect of duty crime 's main parts are the state personnel .

  3. 滥用职权是国家机关工作人员所滥用自己职权范围内的职务,其职权是特定的,所以不存在共同犯罪;

    No mutual crime of the crime of power abuse ;

  4. 国家机关工作人员应当具备基本的国防知识。

    National office working personnel ought to have basic national defence knowledge .

  5. 国家机关工作人员必须接受群众监督。

    The personnel of organs of state must accept surveillance by the masses .

  6. 论刑法中的国家机关工作人员

    On Functionaries of State Organs in Criminal Law

  7. 国家机关工作人员健康状况、相关行为和需求调查

    Survey on Health Status and Related Behaviors and Demands for Health Promotion among Civil Servants

  8. 滥用职权罪的客观方面表现为国家机关工作人员滥用职权,致使公共财产、国家和人民利益遭受重大损失的行为。

    The objective aspects of the crime of power abuse : first is beyond power ;

  9. 1993年,国家机关工作人员中妇女已占32.44%。

    In 1993 , women made up 32.44 percent of all people working in government organs .

  10. 国家机关工作人员不得支持、包庇不正当竞争行为。

    Staff members of state organs shall not support or cover up acts of unfair competition .

  11. 渎职罪主体可分为纯正国家机关工作人员和非纯正国家机关工作人员两类。

    This article classifies the subjects of malfeasance as pure government functionary and non-pure government functionary .

  12. 1997年又对本罪主体进行了适当调整,将其进一步缩小为国家机关工作人员。

    The subject of the crime was in part adjusted and narrowed to the state personnel in1997 .

  13. 在海域发包中存在国家机关工作人员违法发包和疏于监管的行为。

    There is illegal contract award and negligent supervision of state personnel in the sea contract award .

  14. 目的了解国家机关工作人员健康状况、相关的行为和对健康促进的需求。

    Objective To examine the health status , related behaviors and demands for health promotion among civil servants .

  15. 依照法律规定的权限决定国家机关工作人员的任免;

    Decides on the appointment and removal of functionaries of state organs within its jurisdiction as prescribed by law ;

  16. 将贪污罪、挪用公款罪、受贿罪的主体限制在国家机关工作人员的范围内。

    The subject of crime of embezzlement , diverting government money and bribing should be limited in state personnel 's.

  17. 在该部分,文章对国家机关工作人员承揽工程的行为以何种罪名处罚的问题进行了论述。

    In this part , the paper demonstrates the issue how to convict the acts that the state personnel contract projects .

  18. 国家机关工作人员因违法行使职权侵犯公民人格权并造成损害的,国家同样应当承担赔偿责任。

    All the state organs , individuals , groups , and organizations should act by taking the Constitution as the essential guideline .

  19. 该罪的主体限于国家机关工作人员是符合整个刑法体系的;

    I considered the subjects of the crime only include personnel of state organs that confirm to the system of penal law ;

  20. 渎职罪主体是国家机关工作人员,把握其本质特征的关键是界定行为人所从事的公务。

    The key to grasp its essential characteristics is to determine the kind of public service that he or she is doing .

  21. 国防教育法对国家机关工作人员国防教育有何要求?

    Does national defence teach a law to have to education of national defence of national office working personnel why to ask ?

  22. 国家机关工作人员收受贿赂,有滥用职权的行为,同时又构成受贿罪的,应当实行数罪并罚。

    State personnel those accept bribes , have abuses of authority and constitute the crime of bribery should be punished by all the crimes .

  23. 和谐社会中容隐制的重构国家机关工作人员与国家工作人员、准国家工作人员的概念既有联系又有区别。

    Reconstruction of Misprision of Treason in the Harmonious Society According to the criminal law , subject of misprision is people work in state organs .

  24. 有关立法、司法实践基本采纳的是以公务论为依据来认定国家机关工作人员的。

    As for legislation and judicature , we basically adopt the idea that we confirm the state personnel according to official duties theory in practice .

  25. 渎职犯罪作为国家机关工作人员不正当履行职责的犯罪表现形式,有着超乎人们想象的严重社会危害性。

    Dereliction of duty as state personnel improper performance of duties in the form of crime , have serious than people think harmful to society .

  26. 第四十一条县级以上各级工会的离休、退休人员的待遇,与国家机关工作人员同等对待。

    Article 41 Persons retiring from positions with trade unions at county level or above shall receive the same benefits as persons working for State organs .

  27. 我们的国家机关工作人员、文学家、艺术家、教员和科学研究人员,都应该尽可能地利用各种机会去接近工人农民。

    Our state personnel , writers , artists , teachers and scientific research workers should seize every opportunity to get close to the workers and peasants .

  28. 国家机关工作人员的角色具有双重性,既是国家公权力的行使者,又是生活世界中普普通通的自然人。

    The state organ staff have the double role , as both the exercise of state public authority and the ordinary natural person in real life .

  29. 反渎职侵权检察权是检察机关依法对国家机关工作人员利用职权实施的渎职侵权行为进行查处的权力。

    According to the law , procuratorial organ uses the anti-malfeasance prosecutorial power to investigate the staffs of the state who use their authorities to do malfeasance .

  30. 随着市场经济的同趋发展和市场主体的同益多元化,国家机关工作人员利用职务便利挪用公款的现象也逐渐增多,且数额也越来越大。

    With market subjects'diversity in developing market economy , by taking advantage of official duties , more and more officials are involved in embezzlement of public funds .