
  • 网络Turbulence Theory
  1. 这为等离子体湍流理论甚至其他领域提供了一条新的数学处理途径。

    It is suggested as a mathematical approach in plasma turbulence theory and other field .

  2. 等离子体湍流理论研究的最新进展

    Recent Advance in Plasma Turbulence Theory Research

  3. 方法从湍流理论的基本方程出发,在一定假设条件下,根据Taylor关于湍流的冻结假定,从湍流基本方程的傅氏变换解可以导出脉动风压谱密度函数的计算公式,并考虑了全部的剪切项。

    The spectral density function of wind load fluctuation could be derived from the CFD wind average velocity and fluctuating velocity distribution according to Taylor 's Frozen Assumption of turbulence .

  4. 不可压缩液体运动的Navier-Stokes方程的吸引子理论对于湍流理论研究和预测长时行为等都具有极大的理论意义和实用价值,它对船舶制造、飞机设计等行业中有着重要的指导意义。

    The attractors theory of Navier-Stokes Equations plays a great role in theory and applying when study turbulence and predict the ' future ' behav-ior , also in industry such as ships manufacture and airplane design and etc.

  5. 以焊接结构车间的焊接气溶胶扩散过程为研究对象,应用计算流体力学湍流理论,选择包含浮力项的三维N-S方程以及κ-ε方程模式建立了焊接气溶胶扩散的数学模型。

    Based on turbulence theory of hydrodynamics , threedimensional turbulence field equations were established with the use of N-S equation and κ - ε model to investigate the welding aerosol diffusion process in welded structure workshop .

  6. 本论文主要使用计算流体力学软件FLUENT对内置翼片静态混合器的三维流场情况与液-液两相流混合情况进行数值模拟,并结合湍流理论对速度场、压降、湍动能与混合情况进行了分析。

    In this text , we used the Computational Fluid Dynamics software - FLUENT to simulate the flow field and liquid-liquid two phase flow mix of the tubular static mixer with rows of tabs . Then the results of the numerical simulations were analyzed .

  7. 以Higbie的渗透理论和Kolmogoroff的湍流理论为基础,提出了计算液体表面微元在气液相界面暴露时间的方法,并建立了预测液相体积传质系数的模型方程。

    Based on Higbie 's penetration theory and Kolmogoroff 's theory of homogenous and isotropic turbulence , the method for calculating the exposure time of liquid particle at the gas-liquid interphase was proposed , and the model for predicting the liquid volumetric mass transfer coefficient was set up .

  8. 涡量脉动的相似性结构与湍流理论

    Similarity structure of vorticity fluctuation and the theory of turbulence

  9. 关于准相似性条件和湍流理论

    On the Condition of Pseudo - Similarity and the Theory of Turbulence

  10. 托卡马克等离子体边缘梯度和杂质辐射驱动的湍流理论

    Theory of turbulence driven by edge gradients and impurity radiation in tokamaks

  11. 大气边界层热量输送的非局地多尺度湍流理论及试验研究

    Theory on non-local multi-scale turbulence for boundary-layer heat transport with its experiment

  12. 关于具有剪应力的普通湍流理论发展

    Development concerning a general theory of turbulence with shear

  13. 风积地貌形成的湍流理论

    Turbulent Theory for Wind & accumulated Landform Formation

  14. 关于湍流理论中的不封闭性的讨论

    On the Closure Problem of Turbulence Model Theory

  15. 湍流理论的近代发展

    Modern developments in the theory of turbulence

  16. 本论文较为系统地论述了磁化等离子体中的微观不稳定性及湍流理论。

    The theory about micro-instability and turbulence in magnetized plasmas is dissertated in some detailed .

  17. 非均匀网格的过渡湍流理论及其在大气边界层数值模拟中的应用

    Transilient Turbulence Theory for Unevenly-spaced Grids and Its Applications to the Modeling of Atmospheric Boundary Layer

  18. 本文从电阻率梯度驱动的托卡马克边缘湍流理论模型出发,通过数值计算方法,观察了这一湍流随时间演变的过程。

    The tokamak edge turbulence which contains resistivity and impurity gradients and impurity radiation driven sources is studied numerically .

  19. 此外,多尺度湍流理论还有待进一步发展完善,提高感热通量的计算精度。

    Besides , the multi-scale theory needs further improvement in an effort to raise the precision of the calculations .

  20. 利用湍流理论,建立中间包温度场的数学模型。

    A finite element model was built to describe the temperature field in the tundish by using of turbulence theory .

  21. 利用强湍流理论,讨论了激光波束在湍流大气中传输的互相关函数。

    With theory of strong turbulence , the mutual-correlation function of laser beam propagation in the turbulent atmosphere was discussed .

  22. 被动标量场的统计性质,在湍流理论以及湍流燃烧、污染物防治等工程领域都有非常重要的意义。

    The passive scalar statistics are important in turbulence theories and engineering problems related to turbulent combustion , pollutant diffusion and others .

  23. 研究认为,湍流理论和边界层理论是水处理工艺传质-反应过程动力学的重要核心问题。

    The paper thought it over that swift flow theory and boundary layer theory are the core problems of water treatment mass transfer-reaction kinetics .

  24. 应用流体中的湍流理论,修正了粉粒体在振动移动波面板换热器中的能量方程。

    The energy equation of the granular media flowing in the vibratory moving corrugated plate heat exchanger has been modified by the turbulence theory .

  25. 本文叙述了周培源1945年发表具有剪应力的普通湍流理论以后,各种湍流模式理论的主要发展概况。

    The present paper relates the main status of development concerning turbulent model theories following the general theory of turbulence with shear proposed by P.Y. Chou in 1945 .

  26. 还计算了横向脉动风速功率谱,并与基于各向同性湍流理论推导出的水平横向脉动风速谱进行了对比。

    Finally , the lateral wind spectra are calculated , and the comparison to the spectrum derived from longitudinal wind spectrum based on isotropic turbulence theory is performed .

  27. 作者根据前文〔10〕的拍摄结果与有关湍流理论,分析了微观混和过程,从而导出了新的单参数微观混和模型。

    On the basis of turbulenc theory and pictures published in the previous paper , the micromixing process was analyzed and a new one-parameter micro - mixing model was established .

  28. 运用湍流理论,分别讨论了水力光滑膜器内和水力粗糙膜器内轴向湍流的速度分布,得出了轴向剪切力的表达式及分布曲线。

    In the end , axial velocities in hydro-glaze and hydro-coarseness conditions were obtained by turbulence theory , and distribution curves of axial flow shear stress were also given out .

  29. 运用湍流理论和多相流动理论对不同二次风反切工况下炉内气流、煤粉颗粒运动进行了数值模拟。

    The numerical simulation for furnace gas flow and coal powder particle motion under various conditions of reverse secondary air is carried out based on turbulent flow and multiphase flow theories .

  30. 这一新的概念把阿尔芬波传播理论与磁流体湍流理论结合起来,导致了理论上的新进展,从而揭示了太阳风湍流的本质,阐明了一系列过去不能解释的观测现象。

    This new idea combined the Alfven wave propagation theory with the turbulence transfer theory and led to a few theoretical development , which discovered the nature of the solar wind turbulence and explain several important observations .