
  • 网络Nobutaka Machimura;Machimura Nobutaka
  1. 另外三名候选人分别是自民党秘书长石原伸晃,前外交大臣町村信孝和前经济和财政政策的大臣长林芳正。

    Other three candidates include LDP Secretary General Nobuteru Ishihara , ex-Foreign Minister Nobutaka Machimura , and former economic and fiscal policy minister Yoshimasa Hayashi .

  2. “有人要求从中方对我们驻北京大使馆昨日(星期二),”内阁官房长官秘书町村信孝昨天说。

    " There was a request from the Chinese side to our embassy in Beijing yesterday ( Tuesday )," Chief Cabinet Secretary Nobutaka Machimura said yesterday .

  3. 日本首相福田康夫已经发出了援救行动的优先令,町村信孝说。

    Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda sent priority orders for rescue operations , Machimura said .

  4. 据报道,町村信孝原本定于10月23日至24日访华。

    It is reported that Machimura was originally scheduled to visit China from Oct.23-24 .

  5. 町村信孝重申,日本在绑架问题尚未解决前不会与北韩建立外交关系。

    Machimura reiterated that Japan would not establish diplomatic relations until the issue is resolved .

  6. “我认为,在当前问题纷繁芜杂的情况下,讨论是具有特殊意义的。”町村信孝对记者说。

    " I think it is particularly meaningful to have discussions at a time like this when there are various problems ," Machimura told reporters .

  7. “这是不完全清楚,但我认为他们希望日本自卫队帐篷和毛毯被运到中国机场,由自卫队飞机,”町村信孝说。

    " It is not entirely clear , but I think they want SDF tents and blankets to be transported to a Chinese airport by SDF planes ," Mr Machimura said .

  8. 考虑到救灾能力和经验,呼吁日本派遣救援队的呼声一直很高。町村信孝表示,地震已过去一周时间,现在是时候考虑进一步行动的时候了。

    Hailing the dispatched Japanese relief team as " highly competent ," Machimura said that it is time to consider its future operation as a week has passed since the earthquake occurred .

  9. 日本人政府的首席发言人、日本内阁官房长官町村信孝说,北韩没有遵照中止本国核项目的国际协议规定,没有全面汇报本国所有的核活动。

    Japan 's top government spokesman , Chief Cabinet Secretary Nobutaka Machimura , said North Korea has failed to fully account for all of its nuclear activities , as stipulated in an international agreement to end its nuclear program .