
  • 网络philosophy of Technology;Engineering Philosophy of Technology
  1. PSTS,是技术哲学与STS研究的有机融合,是一种新的科学技术研究范式。

    PSTS , is the organic integration between philosophy of technology and STS study , is a new kind of paradigm about the study of science and technology .

  2. 强化了意向性在技术哲学研究中的作用。

    Strengthening the importance of intentionality in the philosophy of technology .

  3. J.C.皮特工程技术哲学思想评析

    Comments and analysis on J.C.Peter engineering technology philosophy

  4. 解读科学哲学与技术哲学的界面

    Analyzing the Interface between Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Technology

  5. 社会变迁与德国技术哲学的缘起及演变

    Social changes and the origin and evolution of German technology philosophy

  6. 恩格斯对科学技术哲学的重大贡献

    Engels ' Great Contribution to the Philosophy of Science and Technology

  7. 前苏联技术哲学初探

    Elementary Search for Philosophy of Technology in Former Soviet Union

  8. 简论技术哲学的研究

    A brief discussion about the researches on philosophy of Technology

  9. 前苏联技术哲学研究述评

    A Review on the Philosophy of Technology in the Soviets

  10. 技术哲学之维:网络文艺研究的理论提升

    Technological Philosophy : Theory Development of Network Literature and Art

  11. 科学技术哲学在山西公路交通中的应用

    Application of Philosophy of Science and Technology in Highway Traffic

  12. 哈拉维(donnaharaway)的技术哲学思想进行研究和探讨。

    The article will explore and research technical philosophy of Donna haraway .

  13. 新中国技术哲学研究的回顾与展望

    Review and Outlook for Research on Technology Philosophy in China

  14. 诚然,哈贝马斯作为一代哲学大师,他的技术哲学思想是有重大价值和意义的。

    His thought on technologic philosophy is of great value .

  15. 技术哲学是对于技术的估价,技术估价以技术本质的解释为前提。

    Study on the Relationship between Engineering Philosophy and Traditional Technology Philosophy ;

  16. 作为时代主题的技术哲学

    The philosophy of technology as main theme of our era

  17. 科学技术哲学与计算机科技人才培养

    Philosophy of Science & Technology and Cultivation of Computing Students

  18. 中国科学技术哲学的演进与定位

    The Evolution and Orientation of Philosophy of Science and Technology in China

  19. 这也是这种技术哲学所思考的基本问题。

    This is also the the basic philosophy problem .

  20. 马克思技术哲学思想的形成

    Formation of Marx 's thought on philosophy of technology

  21. 皮特的工程技术哲学思想的形成与发展。

    C , Peter , s engineering technology philosophy .

  22. 从科学技术哲学角度看金属固态相变

    Understanding metal solid state phase by science technic philosophy

  23. 技术哲学研究中应该注意的三个问题

    Three Problems Concerning the Study of Philosophy of Technology

  24. 技术哲学是关于人类改造自然的哲学。

    Philosophy of Technology is about the philosophy of mankind 's transforming nature .

  25. 国外学者视野中的马克思技术哲学思想

    Marx 's Thought on Philosophy of Technology within the Perspectives of Oversea Scholars

  26. 全球化与当代科学技术哲学观

    Globalization and Contemporary Philosophy View on Science and Technology

  27. “技”、“艺”、“道”是庄子技术哲学思想的三个关键范畴:庄子的“技”实质上是指主体的操作技能;

    In Zhuang-zi 's philosophy , technology essentially refers to subject 's skill .

  28. 工程技术哲学是以工程知识和工程活动为研究对象的哲学分支。

    Engineering technology philosophy is a philosophic branch targeting at engineering knowledge and activities .

  29. 从社会建构主义看科学哲学、技术哲学和社会哲学

    Philosophy of Science , Philosophy of Technology , Philosophy of Society from Social Constructivism

  30. 全球化时代的科学技术哲学学科定位

    The Position of the Philosophy of Science and Technology in the Age of Globalization