
  • 网络technology neutrality;Technology Neutrality Principle
  1. 所谓主流原则,尤其是其中的一些影响力较大的特别原则可以归纳为促进和规范原则、技术中立原则、功能等同原则、意思自治原则和合理性原则等五个方面。

    These principles , among which some are of greater influence , include the principles of promotion and norm , technology neutrality , equal function , autonomy regulation and rationality .

  2. 在借鉴美国电子商务法的经验方面加州的技术中立原则和尤他州的政府干预方法,值得参考。

    The author thinks that the experience of neutral principle of techniques in California and governmental interference with legislation in Utah State can be our references .