
  • 网络Financial card;ATM card;Debit Card
  1. 您会在七天内收到您的金融卡。

    Your ATM card will arrive in about seven days .

  2. 请设定您的金融卡密码。

    Please set the pin number for your ATM card .

  3. 本文介绍一种IC个管理系统,它经济实用,并且IC卡用途广泛,例如可兼作金融卡。

    The article introduces a kind of system controlled by IC card , it can reduce the cost and the use of IC card is very much .

  4. 为适应这一要求,铁路相关部门借鉴ATM和POS机的经验,同时根据自身的特点,提出了客票系统金融卡支付子系统。

    To this end , inspired by the experiences of ATM and POS , the Financial Card Subsystem is established by related departments with adjusting to railway markets .

  5. 卡片没有全面更新成EMV规格所衍生的问题,不单只有美国国内产业,甚至对全球金融卡市场的冲击甚钜。

    The lack of movement towards EMV compliance in the US is a major concern , not only for the domestic industry but for the global card payment market as well .

  6. 那不是金融卡,只是我的客户证件。

    It isn 't a cash card , just my customer ld .

  7. 我用金融卡从银行提款。

    I draw some money out of the bank using my money card .

  8. 铁路客票金融卡支付系统的研究

    Research on Financial Card System of TRS

  9. 金融卡的收藏价值

    FINANCIAL Collection Value of Bank Cards

  10. 金融卡是一种很吸引人的购物方式,没有现金的时候更能深刻体会到这一点。

    Store cards can be an attractive method of buying , especially when you do not have ready cash .

  11. 最后给出了该硬件加密芯片在射频卡等效实现金融卡规范实例中的应用模型。

    Finally design the application model of this hardware encryption chip in radio frequency card equivalent realization finance card standard .

  12. 此系统在保留金融卡技术原有优点的同时,能够方便的实现真正的离线交易,摆脱了硬件设施不足这一瓶颈的制约。

    While maintaining the advantages of financial card , this new system can realize off-line payment and erase the restriction of deficient infrastructure .

  13. 金融智能卡操作系统是建立在通用COS基础上集成了银行应用的COS。

    Financial IC card COS , integrated with bank applications , is based on general COS .

  14. 介绍了AES算法的硬件加密芯片优化设计,并讨论了AES算法加密芯片在射频IC卡等效实现金融CUP卡规范中的应用。

    This paper introduces the hardware optimization design of AES encryption chip , and discusses the application of AES encryption chip when radio frequency card equivalent realization finance CPU card standard .

  15. 本文介绍了金融社保卡操作系统的测试实践,论证了本系统测试方法可以被有效地利用在智能卡操作系统(COS)的系统测试中。

    The test case of Financial Social Security Card shows that the smart card operating system ( COS ) systematic test methodology is effective in practical product testing process .

  16. 文章通过分析金融CPU卡在消费交易流程的密码计算模型,结合射频IC卡的特点,设计了等价密码计算模型,并用现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)实现。

    Cryptography computing model of finance CPU card which operate in credit transaction is analyzed , the equivalence cryptography computing model is designed by combining characteristics of RF IC card , the implementing of this model by using FPGA is also presented .

  17. 结合实践的JETCOS智能卡操作系统分析了金融智能卡COS在交易流程和应用过程中的安全性。

    Grounded on practical JETCOS , this paper explicates the security of financial IC card in transaction flow and applied progress .

  18. 基于TimeCOS/PBOC金融消费卡的数据保护研究

    Based on TimeCOS / PBOC finance expense card data protection research

  19. 金融智能卡操作系统安全体系研究

    Study in Security Architecture of Financial IC Card Chip Operating System

  20. 在此基础上,进行了金融智能卡支付系统的开发。

    Basing on these , I develop the financial smart card payment systems .

  21. GB/T17552-1998识别卡金融交易卡

    Identification cards & Financial transaction cards

  22. 由于金融磁条卡本身存在数据存储小,容易被复制的缺点,其已经不能满足金融行业多元化的应用。

    Because of the limited storage of data and the shortcoming of easy reproduction , the Magnetic Stripe Card can no longer satisfy the diverse applications of financial industry .

  23. 你知道,在最近的调查中显示,人们发现,一些人更容易谈论他们的性生活,而不是他们的金融信用卡账单。

    You know , in the recent survey , people found that people , that some people more likely talk about their sex lives than their financial credit card bills .

  24. 以金融磁条卡的安全策略为例,讨论了多种安全算法与策略在实际卡业务中的应用。

    Taking the safe strategy of the financial magnetic stripe card for an example , we discussed various safe calculating ways and strategies in the application of the actual card business .

  25. 机械、金融和信用卡公司具有单独的标准,这些标准会影响IT环境的操作方式。

    Medical , financial , and credit card companies have separate standards that can affect how an IT environment operates .

  26. 以机动车驾驶人持金融牡丹交通卡为信息载体,实现交通违法人直接向银行缴纳罚款的违法行为处理方式,可以有效达到简化交通违法行为处理环节、方便群众的目的。

    We should realize the direct mode of the law-breaker who submits payment to bank for traffic activities by dint of the financial intermediary in order to simplify the chain and make things convenient for the people .

  27. 金融系统中智能卡应用安全性研究

    Security Study of Smart Card in Financial System

  28. 基于电子证据的信用卡催收系统用于金融系统进行信用卡不良欠款催收。

    Credit card collection system collecting electronic evidence is used for credit card bad debt collection in the financial system .

  29. 本文从移动读卡器的要求出发,主要介绍了一款金融终端中磁条卡读卡器的设计。

    Therefore , from the perspective of " mobile ", this paper introduces the design of magnetic stripe card reader in a financial terminal .

  30. 第二章是文献综述,主要介绍了广告的定义与本质,广告分类以及前人对于广告,金融广告及借记卡广告的相关研究。

    The second chapter is the literature review which introduces the definition , the nature and the classification of this paper as well as the previous study of advertisement , financial advertisement and debit card advertisement .