
  • 网络financials;Financial stock
  1. 美国第五大银行富国银行(WellsFargo)股价昨日大涨超过20%,之前,其公布第二季度业绩好于预期,并增加派息,这推动了其它金融股和整个证券市场的上涨。

    Shares in Wells Fargo , the fifth-largest US bank , leapt by more than 20 per cent yesterday after it reported better-than-expected second-quarter results and lifted its dividend , leading other financial stocks and broader equity markets higher .

  2. 金融股占澳大利亚股市的半壁江山。

    Financial stocks make up over half of the Australian market .

  3. 澳大利亚证券与投资委员会(AustralianSecuritiesandInvestmentsCommission,简称ASIC)表示,它上周做出的、将卖空禁止期延长将近3个月的决定是正确的,因为金融股是我们市场不可或缺的一部分。

    The Australian Securities and Investments Commission ( Asic ) said its decision last week to extend a short ban for almost three months was justified because financials are so integral to our market here .

  4. 分析人士表示,银行股的上涨同样由于交易员进行了补仓,以回应美国证券交易委员会(SEC)阻止滥用卖空金融股的新规定。

    Analysts said bank stocks also rose as traders covered short positions in response to new rules from the Securities and Exchange Commission to prevent abusive short-selling of financial institutions ' shares .

  5. 石油巨头中石油(PetroChina)等大公司股票以及中国银行(BoC)等金融股的折价幅度达10%到20%,拉低了平均水平。

    Large companies such as oil major PetroChina as well as financials including Bank of China at discounts of 10 to 20 per cent drag down the average .

  6. 韩国股市在科技股和金融股带动下走高,kospi指数2.6%,报1420.86点。

    Seoul was led higher by techs and financials , with the Kospi index rising 2.6 per cent to 1420.86 .

  7. 我们认为Yao的多样化程度将远高于新华富时(金融股占46%的权重,能源占20%,消费品的权重为零),而摩根士丹利资本国际中国指数则过于头重脚轻。

    We think Yao will be far more diversified than the FTSE Xinhua , which has 46 per cent in financials , 20 per cent in energy and zero in consumer goods , while the MSCI index is very top-heavy .

  8. 事实上,这些股票的表现稍稍强于非金融股。

    This was actually a slightly better performance than for non-financial stocks .

  9. 蓝筹股和内地金融股领涨。

    Blue chips and mainland financials led those gains .

  10. 股市经纪人说,寻找低价股票的投资者买进了受到重创的技术和金融股。

    Stock market traders say bargain-hunting investors bought up battered technology and financial stocks .

  11. 中资金融股普遍反弹。

    Chinese financial stocks generally rebounded .

  12. 自从美国政府牵红线让贝尔斯登下嫁摩根大通之后,华尔街对金融股的态度变得摇摆不定。

    Wall Street remains skittish about financial stocks since a run on Bear Stearns caused the U.

  13. 许多对冲基金迄今押注油价上升而金融股下跌。

    Many hedge funds have been betting on oil prices to rise while financial stocks fall .

  14. 今年,随着金融股在2月份达到高点,这出戏又被拉长了。

    This year the tale has been more protracted with the financial sector peaking in February .

  15. 与金融股等大盘股相比,能源股近几周始终表现低迷。

    Compared with financials and other large-cap shares , energy stocks have been tepid in recent weeks .

  16. 日本股市表现不佳,其金融股未能跟随亚洲其它市场金融股的强劲走势。

    Tokyo underperformed as Japanese financials bucked the firmer trend in the sector elsewhere in the region .

  17. 不过,在欧洲股市上,金融股连续第二天遭遇困境。

    But for the second day in a row , banking stocks in particular faced a rough ride .

  18. 金融股和蓝筹股领跌,中资银行股也拖累股指走低。

    Financials and blue chips led the market lower , with mainland banks also weighing on the index .

  19. 但欧洲和亚洲主要股市全日大幅走低,金融股受挫尤为沉重。

    But the main European and Asian markets fell sharply throughout the day with financial stocks particularly hard hit .

  20. 欧洲股市大涨,金融股领涨;爱尔兰和葡萄牙债券价格也大幅上涨。

    European shares , led by financial stocks , rose sharply , as well as Irish and Portuguese bond prices .

  21. 油价下跌已促使非常普遍的做多能源股、做空金融股交易在一定程度上有所缓解。

    The fall in oil prices has prompted a partial unwinding of the highly popular long energy , short financials trade .

  22. 两个指数的另一个明显差别是在标准普尔400指数中没有金融股。

    The other key difference between the two indices is there are no financial stocks in the S & P400 index .

  23. 相比之下,组成深圳股市的三大板块几乎不包含任何金融股。

    By contrast , Shenzhen 's three separate boards - which together make up the composite index - are virtually financials free .

  24. 因中国央行未出台更大幅度降息而引发的失望情绪,令地产股和金融股等受到最沉重的打击。

    Property and financial stocks were among the hardest hit by disappointment that the PBoC had not opted for a bigger rate cut .

  25. 在欧元区,金融股现在较2月份高点下跌了18%;在美国,跌幅是14%。

    In the eurozone , financial sector shares are now down 18 per cent from their highs : in the US , 14 per cent .

  26. 前日多头主力金融股反戈一击,成为最大做空力量,近期活跃的热点也开始大幅降温。

    The day before long the main financial stocks turned into the largest force in short , the recent active hot spots began to cool significantly .

  27. 接下来,随着双底衰退的逼近,银行受到更加严重的冲击;去年4月至8月期间,美国和欧元区的金融股暴跌了21%。

    They then suffered still more as a recessionary double dip loomed ; the US and eurozone financial sectors tumbled 21 per cent from April toAugust .

  28. 上海股市3日来首次上扬。上证综指涨0.3%,收于2350.143点,其中金融股领涨。

    In Shanghai , shares rose for the first time in three days . The composite index gained 0.3 per cent to 2,350.143 , led by financials .

  29. 但随后上涨动力衰竭,昨日,标普500金融股指数触及151.5点,为压力测试以来的新低,两个月以来下跌13.8%。

    But then the momentum stalled . Yesterday , the SP Financials hit 151.5 , a new post-stress test low , down 13.8 per cent over two months .

  30. 在香港,恒生指数收涨3%,至19817.70点,创下去年9月以来的最高收盘点位。金融股再次表现强劲。

    In Hong Kong , the Hang Seng closed 3 per cent higher at 19, 817.70 points , its highest close since September , as financials once again performed strongly .